March Madness

AO: Norseman

When: 03/17/2022

QIC: Ivy League

PAX (14): Blistex, Bottom Bunk, Chapter 11, Crikey, Ha-ha, HotSauce, Ivy League, Nacho Libre, Pepper, Striper, Stu, TMI, Untouchable, Other, Shawshank


On this not so dry day I had my VQ and decided to take the guys to a March Madness tournament on the turf field (Paid for by Chapter 11’s Alpha Bucks) But before that, we started the day off with a disclaimer (Ha-Ha taking full responsibility) and the most important part, grabbing a girlfriend from Ha-Ha and Pepper who decided it would be ok to touch each PAX’s girlfriend without permission. After that we moseyed on up to the “big” parking lot for a Warm-o-Rama.


At 0535 we circled up and proceeded to do:

  • SSH
  • Weed Picker
  • The Hillbilly (Which I need practice on my 1,2,3 count before I lead this one again)

The Thang:

After warming up and making our way to the turf field I introduced the workout for the day.

March Madness:

MM is done “12 Days of Christmas” style but with a twist. Each exercise is written in a bracket formation and the running is done “suicide” style (Hence the basketball theme) with a back peddle back to the line each time. But, since today was St. Patrick’s day the bracket names were written in green which will be a requirement for each March Madness workout on St. Patrick’s day.

  1. (One Rep) 50 yard down, backpedal back then 100 yards down, backpedal back.
  2. (Two Reps) 10 Yard Bear Crawls
  3. (Three Reps) Diamond Merkins (w/ the girlfriends)
  4. (Four Reps) Boxcutters
  5. (Five Reps) Burpees
  6. (Six Reps) Lunges (Alpha count w/ the girlfriends)
  7. (Seven Reps) Merkins
  8. (Eight Reps) Mountain Climbers (Alpha count)
  9. (Nine Reps) Curls (w/ the girls 🙂
  10. (Ten Reps) Broad Jumps
  11. (Eleven Reps) Skull Crushers (w/ the girlfriends)
  12. (Twelve Reps) Squats (3 second hold @ the bottom)

The exercise starts with the run (50yd down, backpedal back. 100yd down, backpedal back) the round Two you do (2) Bear crawls then (1) run. Round Three you do (3) diamond merkins, (2) bear crawls, and (1) run. Round Four……you get the point.






Unfortunately, today’s workout was two exercises too long and 10 broad jumps is all the PAX got to.

However, the backpedals are a great way to make your legs HURT.

Then after March Madness came to a close we ran back to the flag, put away our girlfriends and gathered up for Name-o-Rama, announcements, and prayer.


FNG day on April 21.

  • Each PAX member will be responsible for recruiting 3 FNG’s which we hope will result in at least 1 FNG per PAX.
  • Bottom Bunk volunteered to make it a full on breakfast with sausage and eggs included
  • We hope to have at least 40 guys (20 PAX and 20 FNG’s) total

No stated prayer requests but we will continue to pray for:

  • Ukraine refugees
  • Untouchable’s friend recovering from a brutal bout with COVID
  • Those who are feeling the financial burden inflation and gas prices are bringing

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a great week with two VQ’s in a row! (Chapter 11 & Ivy League)

Chapter 11 did a fantastic job and succeeded in bribing the PAX with “Alpha Bucks” and giving the group some great words of wisdom that everyone should strive to live by.


I am very thankful for this group and am super excited to continue growing closer to each PAX and my lung capacity as well. I found this group after Callahan invited me through a mutual friend and I showed up not knowing what to expect. Since then, I have made some great relationships, grown physically, spiritually, and mentally, and met some incredible guys.

It is amazing how giving the PAX in this group are and how willing they are to drop everything and help when they see a need.

Thank you all for helping make it a great VQ!!

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