Bravely Conquering the Frozen Tundra
AO: The Hooch
When: 01/17/2022
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (3): BallBoy, Doughboy, Meatball
Johns Creek isn’t known for its snowstorms so this morning was our equivalent to an Arctic Challenge. With no Q on the sheet, YHC decided to take the helm and ensure that there would be a Hooch beatdown despite the snowy conditions. While myself and Doughboy were HCs, sadly there were no others with similar determination. However, a courageous Meatball decided to beat the fartsack and roll the dice on the road conditions, much to his (and our) benefit.
Turns out the roads weren’t that bad so 3 PAX arrived safely and got to work…
We got the blood flowing with a short mosey to the theater followed by some SSH, Weedpickers, Windmills, and Imperial Walkers. Another mosey around the back of the bakery where the warm-up got more serious.
Three rounds of the following:
- 30 – second Balls to the Wall
- 20 Donkey Kicks
- 10 Burpees
After the third round there was little doubt we were warm, so we moseyed back to the flag… and the coupons
The Thang:
In true Arctic Explorer style, YHC went with a routine inspired by our favorite explorer, Dora…
With 3 PAX and 2 coupons alternating based on the ‘timer’, the following were performed:
- 100 Squat Thrusters, 20 Merkins performed by ‘timer(s)’
- 200 Skull Crushers, 20 Squats performed by ‘timer(s)’
- 300 Coupon Curls, 20 LBCs performed by ‘timer(s)’
A quick parking lot loop and we returned to greet Captain Thor… 1-4 ratio of Sit-ups to American Hammers going from 1 Sit-up, 4 AmHam to 10 Sit-ups, 40 AmHam.
30 Monkey Humpers were thrown in to round out the time
Prayers for friends/relatives battling COVID and other issues. Prayers for the efforts of the Climb Kili challenge in February as this is an important fundraiser for the UboraTZ ministry.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It takes a lot to keep a beatdown down, more than what Mother Nature gave us this weekend. I’m thankful (and not surprised) I wasn’t alone out there. Great to lead this morning and great to warm up afterwards at Waffle House!