Disruption is love, vision and belief
AO: AlphaRuck
When: 01/07/2022
QIC: Zohan
PAX (2): Ace Ventura, Zohan
Introducing the virtual Q source ruck to the region was on my wish list since the first time I joined such a discussion with the Puget Sound Pax. I really believe it had the power to change lives, because it changed mine. I learned a lot from the Q Source itself and from deep diving into it during such discussions. More than just learning, I implemented changes in my life and altered how I view and do certain things. My priorities are clearer and when my actions are aligned with my values and my priorities I experience Joy. And this is what I want to share with my brothers in the region.
The Thang:
One brother was already waiting on the call for me to join. We gave 2 more minutes for others to join but it was just the two of us for today. Run into some technical challenges with the audio but worked through that.
For 4.25 miles we rucked and talked about Disruption, mainly in our personal lives. Half way through we started to change topic cause YHC felt we run out of questions on the topic (was expecting /hoping for more to join) but by the end of call we realized we actually circled back to the topic at hand.
Disruption is about changes we do out of love, based on a vision of a better future and built on the belief that we have the power to make that happen.
Love. Vision. Belief. This is the foundation point of leadership.