Norseman Dance Party
AO: The Norseman
When: 08/26/2021
QIC: Walkie Talkie
PAX (12): Beaker Striper, Nacho Libre, Ha-Ha, Dr Rico, Crikey, Jethro, TO, TMI, Bottom Bunk, Log Cabin & Walkie Talkie
A 12PAX of @Beaker @Striper @NachoLibre @HaHa @DrRico @Crikey @Jethro @TO @TMI @BottomBunk @LogCabin & @WalkieTalkie headed out into the dark humid gloom for an 8-26-2021 Beatdown.
Mosey to the upper parking lot for some Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers, Hillbillies, Windmills, ArmCircles & COVIDs.
The Thang:
Our coupons were submerged so had to modify. Our biceps & triceps are thankful. DJ Jazzy Walkie Talkie had prepared a sick 9-song 80s throwback playlist that looked a little something like this…
Billie Jean – Merkins & run in two teams
Jump – Jump Squats of course & run
Don’t Stop Believin’ – LBCs & run (hold on to that feeling!)
Orange Crush – Carolina Dry Docks & run
Welcome to the Jungle – Group Lunges & Burpees on “WTTJ”
Down Under – Monkey Humpers & run
You Shook Me – Freddie Mercuries & run
Pour Some Sugar – Elf on the Shelf (much easier w/out coupon) & run
Roxanne – Group SSH & Burpees on “Roxanne” & “Red Light” in two teams; How many times do we have to say it, Roxanne? Dr Rico did switch teams mid-song which should have been a 5 Burpee penalty. Team Roxanne just had one more, HaHa.
We had a very slow sweaty mosey back to the flag right on time. Nice work and great sweat! 80s tunes will never die.
Prayers for a co-worker with cancer & for upcoming September blood drive – need a volunteer for check-ins. TMI announced a late September golf event.
Thanks to @DrRico for sharing some Truth. He reminded us of the power of goals. Do you have them? What are they? Spiritual, Financial, Family, Work, Personal, Travel, etc. They are like a rudder on a ship. We discussed the power of writing them down and reviewing them regularly. Take some time this week to make some and write them down!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As the late Michael Jackson said in Billie Jean, “as mother always told me, be careful who you love. And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth.”