Windjammer Roulette
AO: Windjammer
When: 07/30/2021
QIC: Brutus AKA DNip
PAX (7): Cookie Funyon Cox UGA Stu Dr. Rico
Took this Q on short notice, but after some beers and nipple Roulette on Thurs. night, it was obvious that we needed some beatdown routlette. I created a series of mental Roulette wheels and had the team verbally spin!
Spin 1 – Brought us to Lakefront for the Warm-O-Rama:
Basic Stuff
-Imperial Walkers
-Weed Pickers
-Arm Rolls
-Neck Rolls
The Thang:
Beatdown had many different potential scenarios…all were determine by the virtual wheel
Spin 2: Windammer 11’s…up and down the hill 10x…with 11’s of sqauts and calf raises
Spin 3: Boat Ramp……..4 Corner Abs…one burpee in the middle
-Corner 1: BB Sit-ups
-Corner 2 : LBC
-Corner 3: Box Cutters
-Corner 4: Flutter Kicks
Spin 4: Sportspark playground
-Pull-ups and Dips
Spin 5: Balls to Wall
Spin 6: Lakefront Lunges as part of mosey back to Flag
Spin 7: Finished last 4-5 min with Coupon Colt 45s – Shoulder press, Skull Crushers, Curls
Thoughts and prayers for the soul and the family of my cousin Michael
-See Cox about opps to integrate F3 with a new veterans group with whom he recently connected
-FIA/2.0 Convergence tomorrow – See details on Slack
-Windjammer sponsored OB Beatdown next Sat – See Slack notes from False Start
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Heavy hearted beatdown thinking about my cousin (3rd) and his unexpected tragic death earlier this week. Thinking back to our times at the Jersey shore and mailing baseball cards to each other as kids makes me sad that he and I did not remain as close as we aged. Hold and treasure those relationships!