AO: The Wreck
When: 07/28/2021
QIC: Bear
PAX (9): Meltdown, Vanilla, Catheter, choo choo, Corky, Switch, Squeegee, Bear, Norm
Warm up as we walk / mosey…butt kicks, high knees, toy soldier, plank jacks, mtn climbers, shoulder taps. mosey to playground.
The Thang:
partner up and get one rock per team. one partner does 10 pullups or swing pulls while other does curls. 3 sets.
repeat with skull crushers instead of curls. mosey to hill.
standing broad jump halfway up hill. 25 merkins on hill. run backwards rest of way up. 25 stone mtn merkins at top. run down and repeat 4x. mosey to parking lot by turf fields.
on parking lot lines…run to 15th line and do 15 j los double count. run back to start line. run to 14th line and do 14 jlos. repeat to 10th line. at 9th line start doing crunchy frogs until you get to line 1.
mosey on trail by lake on way back to flag stopping to do:
- 20 bonnie blairs + 10 jump squats at base of hill.
- bear crawl across parking lot and back then 25 merkins on curb at top of hill.
- planks by the lake
back to flag just in time.
convergence / family / 2.0 / FIA workout this Saturday at 7AM in Alpharetta park off cogburn rd.
I need men in my life who are pushing me in the direction I want to go. This group does that in so many ways. I’m grateful!
rest up Squeegee and take care of that back…good work knowing when to stop!