One Year Anniversary Q!
AO: The Norseman
When: 07/27/2021
QIC: Dr. Rico
PAX (11): Lumberg, Haha, Flo, Nomad, Walkie Talkie, TMI, False Start, Stu, Cartpath, Catfish
It was YHC’s one year F3 anniversay! So I figured it was time to take a walk down memory lane…
After a quick mosey we did the standard warm-up:
- Hillbillies
- Weedpickers
The Thang:
As many of The Norsemen know, I was introduced to F3 on the golf course. I went golfing by myself one day and was put in a group with this guy named Eric. Well by the end of the round I was asking him about his watch that said F3 on it…and the rest is history. So our first exercise involved a little golf.
YHC had duck taped a target on in the parking lot. If whoever’s turn it was hit the middle target, they got to choose our exercise. If they hit right outside the target we did 10 squats. If they hit all the way outside the target we did 10 jump squats. After every round we sprinted down and back in the parking lot. Not surprisingly there are a lot of good-looking golf swings at The Norseman.
Next up was reliving my memory of my first BD. I don’t remember much except that Nacho Libre was on the Q and it felt like we bear crawled and broad jumped all the way up and down the football field. So even though that is definitely not what happened, that’s what we did. We moseyed to the football field and bear crawled 100 yards to one end zone and broad jumped 100 yards back.
Finally, it was time to relive my first Q. We frequently take our toddler to The NorthPark to play on the playground so I had to incorporate the playground into my first Q. So for this BD we moseyed over to the pavilion for a little circuit. Run down to the playground, grab some ledge for 50 dips, then find your favorite slide on the playground and go down it. Run back up to the pavilion for 20 monkey humpers. That made one circuit. We made it through 3 rounds.
Finally a quick mosey, trying (unsuccessfully) to keep up with Lumberg on his scooter riding down the hill for a little Mary. We had some guests come and support YHC for my 1 year anniversary so Flo, Nomad, and False Start each called out an exercise.
Family BD on Saturday
Darth Visor memorial upcoming
After the circle of trust I had one last piece of my F3 journey to celebrate. After about 6 months of attending The Norseman I started attending BDs at The Windjammer. Now as everybody knows, the Windjammer is high class with all the best amenities like on-site massages, hot/cold towels, and water therapy. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring all that to The Norseman but I could bring a cooler with some orange juice (or some would call it virgin mimosas) and some kinda cold towels.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC really appreciates all the support throughout this last year. Starting during the dregs of covid was really such a blessing. I obviously have loved all the BDs but even more than that I’ve loved getting to know so many good people who are great men and better examples of how to live.
Special shout out to Flo for introducing me to F3, and False Start, Lumberg, and Nomad for making the trip from their normal AOs to support.