Twisted Surprise New Edition
AO: The Academy
When: 07/27/2021
QIC: Cookie @cookie_f3
PAX (4): MillerTime, Pitstop, Hollywood, Cookie
For the pre-blast Slack message, YHC mentioned how he grabbed the Q in order to prevent another “animal” from grabbing it and torturing us poor souls like what happens consistently here. Much to the surprise of the unsuspecting PAX, today would be a makeshift torture fest in its own right. 4 PAX answered the call and showed up at 5:15am for the high intensity beatdown that would ensue. YHC gave a quick disclaimer and also a brief intro of what was on tap. We would be doing a Twisted Surprise through the streets of Alpharetta, similar to the old Widowmaker pre-run days. Mostly running with various pain stations along the way.
Warmup? Ha, not a chance.
The Thang:
Head out to the main road for a tour of Alpharetta which would later include a fly-by of the Rubicon. First up was 5 burpees to get the juices flowing. Next we rotated merkins at every cross street, doing 10 of either regular, wide, diamond, stagger left, stagger right. After a few miles and 2 rounds, we made a pitstop on Rucker Road for a Bat Wings routine: forward arm circles, backward, seal claps and overhead claps. Mosey back toward the Rubicon stopping for various torture along the way. Once to the Rubicon playground, we did Swerkins and Balls to the Wall. Off next to the planters for dips and step ups. At this time we ran into the Rubicon men and tried to join their routine, but they were wrapping up that segment and heading the opposite way, so we relented and did Donkey Kicks instead. The next 10 minutes we ran around town doing core work. Then, finally making it to the Alpharetta town center turf lawn for a 4 corner bear crawl torture session. Finally, we made our way back on campus for wind sprints and DB drills.
Continued prayers for Devito who is traveling this week and also dealing with his brother’s health journey. Praise for several things including the ability for us to get out in the gloom and do the things we do.
Honored to lead.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC mentioned over COT that he showed up today with no workout in mind, rather just winged it… which is true. I think it went well. TCLAPS for Mayhem who missed his alarm but still got out and did hill repeats on his own, then joined us for coffeeteria. 15 – 20 PAX posted for coffeeteria convergence.