Jorts Who?
AO: The Galaxy
When: 07/27/2021
QIC: Wideright
PAX (12): Steamer, Sparky, Blue, Fondue Guy, Swinger, Limu, Waco, Drain Hole, Percy, Abicus and spring break
disclaimer and warm up
plank – Mtn Climbers, Peter Parkers, Stn Mtn and Shoulder taps
Moroccan night clubs, seal claps, and bear hugs
lunge walk up hill, sideways shuffle both sides and backwards run
Everyone grab a coupon and circle up in parking lot
The Thang:
Jorts worst Q exercises
10- burpees to warm up with coupon
set em down and mosey to stairs, 2x squats per step down and 2 calf raises back up
back to coupons and shift one place to the right
50x, shoulder press
set em down, head down stairs to picnic tables, 50x dips back to coupons and shift right
50x chest press, set em down, Imperial lunge walks across lot and then BW
shift right, 50x skull crushers, set em down and head to street
small hill -bear crawl down and crawl bear up, crab walk down feet first and then back up feet first, plank walk down and up
back to coupons, shift right and 50x curls
lineup with Coupons and murder bunnies across and bunny murders back
exercise for the 6! shift right, cusak across lot and back (2x drops so its 5x burpees each) deposit coupons and mosey to flag for time!
tweaker traveling
Blues mom having knee surgery Thursday
Marcia’s M and new 2.0 coming friday
Forest and his fever still up there has Covid
all our brothers not here, reach out and get them back