Visiting the 5 Olympic Continents
AO: Windjammer
When: 07/23/2021
QIC: False Start
PAX (10): Cox, Funyun, Dr. Rico, Stu, Cart Path, Brutus, Walkie Talkie, Uga, Milli Vanilli, False Start
YHC at the Q for the second time this week, so we start off with some trivia in honor of the Olympics starting today: What do the 5 rings stand for? The 5 Continents (or regions) that are represented in the Olympics: America (North & South), Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. So, we’ll visit 5 of our own continents today, prepare to mosey!
Other thing to note, this week was Walkie Talkie’s 21st Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations!! We’ll use that as our rep count everywhere we go.
2 PAX for the preruck
Mosey to the top of the parking lot for some:
- Imperial Walker
- Weedpicker
- Arm Circles (forward & back)
Off we go to the tennis courts.
The Thang:
Broken into 5 continents, we hit them all in the following order and way:
Continent 1 – Tennis Courts
Short form McEnroe using the far tennis court, we only complete 1 court and then had to move on.
Using the far court as our target, we ran suicides with the following rules. Oh, and complete a burpee at each line too, just for fun.
- Doubles Lines: Upper Body
- Singles Lines: Core
- Center Service Line: Lower Body
After 1 court complete, we can check that Continent off the list. Onward.
Continent 2 – Parking Lot by the soft coupons
Count off in 2s (Dr. R had some trouble here). Those in Group 1 should each grab a coupon. Group 2 was the first to run a lap in the parking lot. The group with the coupons would complete Curls, Bent-over Rows, and Shoulder presses, while the other group ran the lap. Switch off between each exercise until the PAX each had 3 founds.
This continent done, we had a long mosey to the next. Onward.
Continent 3 – Boat Launch
4 corners of core here with a mosey between each corner:
- Supermans
- LBCs
- Dolly
- Boxcutters
Another one down, 2 more to go. The suspense is building, will we make it?!?! Onward.
Continent 4 – Sports Park
Count off in 3s this time (Dr. R got it this time, Stu was a smart aleck). Each group assigned to a station and then rotate until you do each station:
- Swerkins
- Pullups
- Step-ups
Alright, 1 more mountain to climb, here we go!
Continent 5 & Mount ‘Olympus’ – The Dam
We’re at the base of the dam. So we need to climb Mount ‘Olympus.’ 3 times, just for good measure. Squats at the base, calf raises at the top. I told the PAX 10 of each, that was stupid, because it didn’t add up to 21. I blame the 2nd F the night before and that extra IPA.
Phew, we finished!
Cox has a VQ tomorrow at the widowmaker, go support him!
3 Upcoming events:
- F3/FiA/2.0 Convergence
- Darth Visor CSAUP
- Windjammer Q @ NLB
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I picked up the Q both times this week to shake off the vacation. I needed the accountability and push this week and it was well worth it. There’s something amazing about other men pushing alongside you that you can’t get on your own (more on that below).
No coffee this week, Cookie decided to ‘smartsack,’ but didn’t tell anyone. The jury’s out on whether that’s a ‘smartsack’ though. Stu shared a great passage on why F3 and what it means to work alongside other men. Enjoy the gift you’ve been given, but also make sure you share it; because it’s meant to be shared.
Until next time!