SK BDAY Beatdown-51
AO: Firehouse
When: 07/22/2021
QIC: Script kiddie
PAX (7): Script kiddie, Ace Ventura, Lightweight, Lifelock, Zuckerberg, Crumpet, Dunshire
No pre ruck or run this morning, everyone wanted to get a bit more rest in before the BD was begun.
I got there a bit early to decide the field and run through the BD plan, one last time. Ace was the first to show up after me then everyone else quickly rolling in, with Dunshire flying in to join us far the last warmup, sun gods/revese sun gods.
Moseyed to our normal spot and then it was time to begin
24 SSHs – Had to add a bit more celebration since it was my Birthday
15 weed pickers
15 wind mills
15 Copperhead squats
10 sun gods
10 reverse sun gods
Once that was done, it was time to head to the field with some fun with the number 51.
The Thang:
This Thang was brought to you by the number 51
Start at one corner of the field run to mid field stop and do 10 burpees
Run to the other end of the field
51 WW2 setups
Run to the goal post and do 10 Wolverines
On to the next corner.
51 squats
Head to midfield and it was time for 10 long jump burpees
Next corner 51 LBCs
Stop at the goal post and l0 hand release burpees
Back to the corner we started and 51 SSHs
And after that run to the center of the field and finished it off with 11 burpees
That covered the fun with the number 51
Since we were already in a circle it was time to do a fire drill
Everyone does high knees until a PAX calls out FIRE! then everyone stops drops does a merkin rolls to the right does a merkin, rolls to the left does another merkin, then pops back up and goes back to doing high knees until all the PAX have called FIRE! Dunshire wanted to go again since he had a story to tell about a kitty trapped in a fire, at the end the kitty was saved and we all were burnt, to varying degrees, but… There was on more Thang to do
Since it was my birthday and it is tradition to give gifts to the person celebrating a birthday so it was time for the PAX to gift me and everyone else some exercise so, time for escalation
3 burpees were called,
Took a run to midfield and back.
3 burpees and the 6 SSHs were called
Took a run to midfield and back
3 burpees, 6 SSH, 9 American Hammers(Alpha count) were called
Took a run to midfield and back
3 burpees, 6 SSHs, 9 American Hammers, then 12 merkins were called
Took a run to midfield and back
3 burpees, 6 SSHs, 9 American Hammers, 12 merkins, 15 squats were called
Took a run to midfield and back
3 burpees, 6 SSHs, 9 American Hammers, 12 merkins, 15 squats, and finish it off with 18 LBCs
Took a run to midfield and back
At that point it was right at 615 so it was time for the CoT
7 PAX were counted
Name-O-Rama was done
6th man was Lightweight, so we got to know him a bit better
Lightweight talked about a runner that was blind but had someone running every race with him guiding him every step of the way, then mentioned in life we need to find people that can help us when we cannot see the path or are tired, to help encourage and guide us along lifes path, great MoC!
Mentioned pre-order for shirts were still going we have 7 days and are about half way there on both
Mentioned possible second F event but not sure of if that will occur or not, this evening
Asked for more PAX to grab the Q sheet and pick a date for Starting line it is pretty wide open.
Prayer requests
Crumpet has a friend dealing with Covid so prayers for a quick and thorough recovery
I asked for prayer for my brother-in-law for a good report/healing with the possible COPD diagnoses
Gathered for the Ball of men and there were some general comments about, umm balls, that went a bit south, but all in fun and hey we are a bunch of guys so you know it would happen eventually, lol, prayed then on to Coffeeteria
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thankful that Dunshire providing the coffee.
Great conversations about Marvel, old sitcoms and other things
Also very thankful I could share this birthday with all the men of Firehouse, it was fun pushing each other to get better, looking forward to what the new year holds and other men I will get a chance to meet, encourage/challenge, let’s keep up the great work HIM