G’morning Gladiator
AO: The Gladiator
When: 07/22/2021
QIC: Manchester
PAX (9): Spandex, Tebow, Beauty, Postal, Cheneral, Brownie, Dreamer, Iron Head, Manchester
After no-showing on Tuesday, today was a must. I miss you guys- you never regret showing up but you always regret fart-sacking. I appreciate you guys holding me accountable and getting out there and would also love the continued push to be a more frequent member of the PAX.
Mosey to the planters by the baseball field
The Thang:
10 derkins, dips & step ups- Plank. 15 derkins, dips & step ups- Plank.
Quick little mosey and back to the field of dreams for a bit of four corners actions.
- 25 big boys
- bear crawl
- 25 bonnie blairs
- crab walk
- 25 monkey humpers
- bear crawl
- 25 V-ups
- crab walk
- Plank for the six
Slightly longer mosey to the library, according to Dreamer they have books in there that you can read!!
Group dips and merkin circuit followed by another short mosey to the coupon station.
6 minutes of coupon Mary led by the pax before a return to the flag for more Mary.
Beauty’s family as they look to come out of this period stronger together.
The Jackson family.
Postals friends son and his eye.
Any other unspoken requests- don’t be shy about talking to a fellow PAX we’re all here and I know we all want to help each other out.