40 minutes of hell
AO: Jericho
When: 07/16/2021
QIC: 5-Way
PAX (12): crabcake,snowman,emeril,baskins,swiper,goldberg,deuce,whiteclaw,chinstrap,inseam,schneider,5-way
7 PAX converged on Jericho 1 for ruck (Crab Cake) and 6 for pre-run (Snowman, Deuce, Whiteclaw, Chinstrap, Schneider, 5-way)
Moseyed around the football field for the warm ups
15 Side Straddle Hop
12 Windmills
12 Week pickers
12 Michael Phelps
The Thang:
40 minutes of hell:
Dora style
Alternating back pedaling across football field with a Bobby Hurley followed by sprint back
150 burpees (cut down to 100)
300 squats
150 big boy sit-ups
Several exercises added by chinstrap and a few others for the six (which YHC was a part of :-))
halftime – 15 count rest
Swiper had a nice audible to switch from back pedaling to karaoke and wolverine instead of Bobby Hurley (later switch wolverine to lunges at start of merkins)
300 little baby arm circles
150 merkins
300 imperial walkers
Special treat for the 6 which YHC was not a part of: bataan death crawl
Needless to say YHC did make any new friends today
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, Aug 21 we will be hosting the 1st annual Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP to honor a fallen F3 Alpha brother, Randy Faile aka Darth Visor. – Big Creek
Prayer requests: Baskins oldest son Hunter broken collar bone, baby Benjamin born 15 weeks pre-mature
TNT: There is a battle raging in our minds. There are always good things and bad things we can focus on. Think of there being two parallel bullet trains going on in our lives. We can choose which bullet train we want to ride on. YHC shared struggles to get off the negativity train and implemented journaling daily about 10 things to be thankful for which over time has transformed the ability to ride more frequently on the positivity train. Encourage others to fight for their tickets on the positive thought train.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Special thanks to Emeril for setting us up with some breakfast and coffeteria+ for an awesome British Open watch party! Honored to be in battle with ya fellas!