Scroll of pain
AO: The Norseman
When: 07/08/2021
QIC: Birdie
PAX (12): Haha, TMI, Blistex, Wayward Son, Guapo, Callahan, Hot Sauce, Nacho Libre, Jethro, Huckleberry, Dr. Rico, Birdie
After disclaimer, we moseyed to the big parking lot next to the main football & baseball fields. We did weed picker, windmill, SSH & Morrocan Night Club (Hot Sauce joined us while we did the warm up).
The Thang:
YHC prepared 10 scrolls and each scroll contained 3 different exercises and the number of reps was varied: 20 reps- mosey –10 reps – mosey or 25 reps – mosey -15 reps- mosey. We managed to pick 5 scrolls before YHC call for time. Here’s the list of what we did this morning.
There was a lot of mumblechatter, TMI & Nacho was discussing about the hand or something. Half way thru the 5th scroll, YHC called for time and we all headed back to the flag. Haha ended the beatdown with protactor.
Pray for safe travel for Hotsauce’s M who is in Equador and other PAX & their family.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
TNT: Nacho reminded us about serving others. Thank you Haha for the coffee. It was good to see the GREEN team (Blistex and his 2.0’s, Wayward Son & Guapo). Until next time, SYITG.