SK 1 year plus SiteQ change
AO: Firehouse
When: 07/06/2021
QIC: Script kiddie
PAX (19): Schneider, Script Kiddie, Dunshire, Mouth-2-Mouth, Exile, Geek Squad, Ace Ventura, Blood hound, Law Dog, Suarez, Crumpet, Deja Vu(FNG), Pink Nightmare, Zohan, Snowman, Boss baby, GoDaddy, Baskins, Goldberg
I got there excited for the day for several reasons, the first was, the celebration of my 1 year anniversary as part of F3 and then the second was the fact that I was about to hand off the SiteQ role to Ace, Schneider was already there ready to start his standard pre-run with Dunshire coming in soon after, to join me in a pre-ruck, as we took our first lap a few F3 Cherokee HIM started rolling in Mouth-2-Mouth, Exile, and Geek squad, I was excited to see them there since all 3 know me long before my F3 journey began, especially Mouth-2-Mouth the HIM that EHed me into this crazy thing called F3, we took another lap and the rest of the PAX keep rolling in, more Cherokee HIM (Law Dog, Bloodhound, GoDaddy) and some Alpha HIM, thank you Zohan and Snowman, until it was time to mosey. In true M2M from he ‘subtly’ asked if Firehouse started on time, which translated to – Time to mosey.
We went past our standard stopping point due to the amount of HIM, 19 is the most I have ever seen at Firehouse, We stopped and did a similar warmup to the first time I showed up at F3, with one difference being that I could actually talk instead of just sucking wind.
Hillbilly ( I think we did this one)
Copperhead squats
Time to start the fun
The Thang:
A quick mosey to the hill for 11s
On my first BD, lead by M2M we did several rounds of 11, so in honor of that I took 2 of the exercises and used them
1 Burpee at the top of the hill, then down the hill
At the bottom we did 10 BBS, there was some mumbling about it being wet but I simply asked them to suck it up which caused Exile to mention that was a side of me he had not heard before… I liked it!
Just like my first BD we Bernie Sandered (ran backwards) up the hill
2 Burpees up top
9 BBS at the bottom
Bernie Sanders up the hill on till the 11s were done, on to Thang 2
DORAS we started to do them on the parking lot but due to the high number of PAX and a great suggestion by Suarez, we quickly relocated to one of the fields.
I wanted to do DORAs to honor M2M, and state that whether he was right next to me or running his race in Cherokee he helped me keep going with calls to make sure I was posting/stay consistent and reminding me that it does not get easier, we get stronger
100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
Also want to pause and give some TClaps to Bloodhound, especially with this one, he was motivating the PAX to keep going, there was no walking on his watch and then at the end the way M2M and some other HIMs helped pick up the 6 truly showed what F3 is all about and was another reminder why I get up and get out so early in the morning to be a part of this.
Once that was done I had one more Thang in mind.
Route 66
This one was in honor of all the HIM that have joined me in this journey
time was running short but this one was a great way to end the BD
Moseyed to the starting light post, merkin jacks was the execise I chose so we did
1 Merkin jack
Ran to the next light post
2 Merkin jacks
Ran to the next light post
3 Merkin Jacks
The key to this one was that as I kept coming to F3, more men joined in my journey and as I went from back of the pack to midpack, and at times near the front, one thing stayed consistent, we would never leave a man behind, so in honor of that as the reps increased, we would not move forward until all the PAX were done, leaving no man behind and helping each other get stronger.
Near the end, I think we got to 9, time ran out, which I expected it to, but that was one last statement that the journey is never done we may move to another thang but there will always be more to do, different ways to accelerate and improve.
Time to move to the flag and the COT
Count was done 19 HIM
Nameorama, hindsight I really wish I recorded this.
I shared about my F3 journey how a year ago I was 65 lbs heavier and had not idea I would be the siteQ for this AO since I was a person that, until recently had always stayed in the background, I thanked all the HIM that helped me get to this point and especially M2M for EHing me into F3. The key was consistency, never giving up, I looked back at some of the older BDs I was apart of and truly questioned why I kept coming back, but seeing where I am now and knowing where I came from, I do not regret a second of any of it. I know I have a long way to go and each day have a chose to challenge/improve, and keep moving forward not just for me but for my M, my 2.0s and all the men that have helped encourage/push me and for all the men/people I come in contact with outside F3.
Speaking of moving forward, with the Dawson AO (Starting line) moving forward, I knew that it was time to hand the SiteQ position over to Ace, he has done so much for Firehouse and is a key reason we have seen such growth/improvement, with the AO. I am honored to know him and as he takes over I know that the Firehouse is only going to Accelerate from here.
Prayer requests
Snowman asked For prayer for Sculley and his family
Zohan asked us to pray for a family that recently lost their son, (possible suicide), pray for peace for the family as they deal with the loss of a son/friend, and pray that they find the strength in the really hard time.
Named the FNG, well kind of, he mentioned he had been with F3 before several years ago and could not remember his name so Deja Vu it is, he then hopped in the center of the COT to be the 6th man.
Ball of Men to end the BD
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was great to have so many PAX from F3 Cherokee, and F3 Alpha also there was mumblechatter about some of the Cherokee HIM taking a few Qs at Firehouse, something I am looking forward to! Also thanks to Law Dog and Exile for the expansion suggestions/ideas. Plus you all have no idea how much you all encouraged me today, not in words but in action, showing everyone that was there, what true leadership/encouragement is all about.
Looking forward to seeing what year 2 holds and all that is to come, thanks and hope to SYITG soon