Cinders & Tires….
AO: Atlas
When: 07/06/2021
QIC: Blue
PAX (3): Rusty, Sprocket
An early start at 5:10 from Rusty and Sprocket, but Blue ignored this and strolled in around 5:30ish.
Rusty and Sprocket hard at work with cinder squats, overhead lifts and farmer carry’s.
The Thang:
Blue unveiled the tractor tires, and commenced with:
Tire Rolls (Partner Exercise)
The tire is standing upright. Partners face each other stand about 3 arm’s-length apart, rolling the tire to push the partner down. Receiving partner catches and returns.
Tire Shoves (Partner Exercise)
The tire is standing upright. Partners face each other stand about 1 arm’s-length apart, goes into deep knee bend, catches tire and shoves it to partner. Receiving partner catches in a deep knee bend and returns.
Farmer’s Carry
Rope pulls:
- On 6
- On knees
- Standing
- reverse Lying down (triceps)
Tire Flips
Tire Pulls
Tire Pushes
For the safety of Rusty as he travels, and all those F3 who travel.