3.5 Pax
AO: The Hooch
When: 07/05/2021
QIC: Wingnut
PAX (3): Birdie, Zohan, Wingnut
Nobody was on the Q sheet for today and Ballboy asked who would be in town and planning to post at the Hooch on 7/5. In a group of 10-12 at our last coffeeteria, I raised my hand and therefore was to be said Q. I did a little poking 5 days out and the day before to see if I could get some serious HCs out of the Hooch Slack channel. Birdie bit both times and was a strong HC. Zohan confirmed regular time of 530, but never confirmed if he would be posting. Sugar said he would post if he got to bed early enough. With it being a limited number and possibly only being 2 pax, I did what any good Q would do. Show up with no plan and dispense pain. On the way out the garage I saw the trusty medicine ball (you may have seen .5 pax referred to in the title or on slack – this is him) and with a solid layer of dust on him, I decided to throw him in the truck so he could join us.
Zohan and Birdie posted, Sugar didn’t make it. So we had 3 PAX and medicine ball (.5 pax).
Left ole .5 pax at the flag, moseyed around the parking lot to stop by the “new” bakery for some SSH, weed pickers, calf stretch, tempo air squats etc mumblechatter from Zohan on my counting – I mumbled back that Q does things how Q wants to mosey back to the flag
The Thang:
We picked up our.5 pax and proceeded to carry him, toss him, lunge him, throw him merkin him, etc for about 40 minutes.
Too much to write much less remember what we did this morning – so I will list all of the movements that I can remember:
merkins, lbc, air squat, burpees, hill carry with medicine ball, wall balls (throwing said medicine ball up on the wall), balls to ball (squatting to medicine ball) merkins on medicine ball, lunges, lunges with medicine ball, medicine ball toss, light post dips, bernie sanders.
Finished with about 5 minutes of mary.
Paryers for those traveling back from out of town and for our nation.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Pleasure leading the two of you this morning!