Intro to Hell Hill
AO: Dawson
When: 07/03/2021
QIC: Script kiddie
PAX (7): Ace Ventura, Dunshire, Script kiddie, Suarez, Tadpole, Boss baby(FNG), PUD
The mumblechatter on the alphanorth channel left Ace and Dunshire uncertain of the plain, for the morning at the storm so I convinced them to head to Starting line instead, and I was glad they showed up not just for the beatdown but the pre-ruck too. The pre-ruck was a good pace and near the end, I shared/showed them part of the BD. At that point, I think they began to rethink/regret their decision to post at starting line.
As we neared the end of the ruck, we saw Suarez’s redmobile show up, with him, Tadpole & his middle son Levi, now known as Boss baby rolled in, things were looking good and an unknown PAX was with them, who I found out was a visitor from Jacksonville, FL, and he found the AO on the F3 site then decided to post. It was great to meet PUD and thanks for posting this morning, with us. Please come back anytime.
In preparation for the BD, and knowing I needed to make sure I had tunes, I grabbed my daughter’s shiny fanny pack, and my speaker. Yes the PAX gave me grief about it, but hey it worked.. Mental note, never wear the fanny pack again, lol
Time to mosey
Did the regular mosey to the regular warm up spot, then stated the disclaimer and on to the warm up
Copperhead squats
Time to mosey to introduce the HIM to a hill I scouted last week and knew that the plan was not going to be fun, at all, this is what I showed Ace and Dunshire during the pre-ruck.
The Thang:
Thang 1
Say hello to my not so little friend
The hill in front of the racing hall of fame is steep and long, so of course it had to be used. The plan was 11s
Start with 1 diamond Derkin run up the hill and do 10 4 count squats, full squat, up, down to a half squat then end with a jump, not sure of the name for this one, and am open for suggestions, back down 2 diamond derkins and up the hill 9 4 count squats, on till we completed the 11s, it was not easy but the HIM really pushed through, PUD was the first to get done followed by tadpole, great job and thanks for Suarez and PUD for helping Boss baby keep going when he was ready to quiet, and Tclaps to Boss baby (aka Levi) for sticking with it and not giving up, Awesome work!! On to Thang 2, with slightly soggy shoes since the hill was slightly wet.
Almost forgot later in the day I text Suarez and during our chat he called the hill, ‘hell hill’, so I think we have a name for this not so little monster, ok now on to Thang 2
Thang 2
Moseyed to the football field,This one is where I throw in a bit of Independence day reference
Start at one corner and do 10 of the following
10 big boy set ups
10 burpees (you knew with an SK BD burpees would come into play)
10 American Hammers, how could you not include them on the 4th of July weekend
10 Stars (spangled banner ) Jumps
Run to the next corner and do 8 of each, then 6, then 4 until we finished at the corner with 2 of each.
Now the issue was that the football field was a bit wet to say the least, those soggy shoes from Thang 1 now had soggy shirts and shorts to add to the joy of the beatdown, sorry PAX this is a new AO so we learn as we go, will that help me not do the same thing again at another BD..no but at least we know what to expect . The PAX were doing good and on the mosey to Thang 3 boss baby had gotten his second wind and was upfront ready to see what was in store for the final Thang.
Thang 3
On to the mound, the plan was 11s again with 1 stump jumper(2 count) then up to the top of the hill, to pay the toll of 3 merkin jacks then down the hill to do 10 Jim Bradocks -This one is named after the heavy weight champion during the Great Depression in the 1930’s who eventually went on to fight in WWII. You start with a WWII sit up, and up top throw a RH hook and a RH uppercut then go back down. Come back up and do the same with the left side.
back up the hill to pay the toll again then down to continue the 11s
At one point I decided to be a bit nice and stated they did not have to pay the toll on the way back.
We were not able to complete the 11s here, since the clock ran out on the BD, so when it hit 8 it was time for the COT.
The count was 7
The 6th man, well modified 6th man, we put PUD in the hot seat to tell us a bit more about himself, thanks for sharing PUD and especially thanks to dropping by, it was great having him there and the way he encouraged, all of us and helped pick up the 6, helped me hope that when I have been with F3 for as long as him, I am the same type of HIM, encourager he is.
The Acceleration point was graciously taken but Ace, he mentioned that we are not promised tomorrow and we should make the most of every day.
Prayer request
Ace mentioned his grandmother and concerns as the possibility of her leaving the hospital and needing help at home were something they were facing, so pray for wisdom and continued healing for her.
PUD mentioned some friends/family facing recovery from and dealing with COVID, so prayers for them as well.
Ball of men
PUD mentioned that at the end of the BDs he posted at they would do the pledge of allegiance to the flag and especially since it was 4th of July weekend, it was a great way to end the BD. Thanks for the suggestion and leading us in the pledge.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Coffeeteria time and group pic time
We hung out, talked about Go Ruck and had a chance to get to know PUD a bit more and he shared his F3 wisdom, thanks again for the suggestions of the leg lifts in the pavillion area and the backblast from one of your past BDs PUD.
At that point it was time to head out, again great work by all the HIM this morning and especially boss baby for his drive to keep going and PUD for his encouragement and tips, I hope to see him at Starting line.
Hope everyone has a safe and fun filled Independence day weekend, and I am so thankful for the freedoms we have in this country.