11s Weird Al and DORA

AO: Firehouse

When: 04/13/2021

QIC: Script kiddie

PAX (9): Schneider, Script kiddie, Ace Ventura, Dunshire, Suarez, Lightweight, Lifelock, Zuckerberg, Pebbles


Not only was this the first BD of the week it was the first beatdown post spring break. Schneider was there first ready to get the party started (also great to see Schneider, after all the contract prep work he has been doing) followed by script kiddie, with the shovel flag being planted in preparation of all the other HIM to arrive, then the rest of the PAX quickly rolled in.  I was excited since after only 9 months, I finally got a play list to share with the PAX, then right at 530 it was time to mosey


15 SSH
12 Hillbilly
12 Weedpicker
12 Windmill
12 Copperhead squats

Then coupon clipping time and off the the events o’ the day.

The Thang:

After the warmup the HIM grabbed a coupon then strolled on over to everyone’s favorite ‘little’ hill to start the planned events of the morning

Thang 1
Wonder bra (with coupon)
As the first part of the plan was laid out and the  music was started the resident overachiever lightweight, started the 11s early causing SK to have to rush to the starting point and play catch up for a round or 2.   As Thang1 continued everyone stated how much they enjoyed the hill and some mumble-chatter about how the ground was wet, but they completed the thang in stride even having lightweight and Ace living the no man left behind mentality by helping the last HIYM(High Impact Young Man) finish the hill work.

Time to breakup the 11 and Dora, that were planned,  by pulling a small workout brought you you but the letter W
20 Wolverines – Burpees dialed up to 11
20 WW2 Setups
20 Wide squats
As the music played Dunshire was happy to hear one of his and my favorite songs Amish Paradise by Weird Al, I thank that helped him get a second wind and ready to face the next Thang, also at that point I think everyone was about done, but wait, there was more to come, on to Thang3.

Time to pair up (with the HIYM forming a group of 3) for a round of DORA
100 skull crushers (with coupons)
200 Curls (with coupons)
300 Squats (with coupons)
As the HIM got near the end of the 300 Squats, there was mumbling about it being 615, but we did one last round to finish Thang3 and head to the pole

Sadly no time for Mary, so on to the COT


Time to do the count (9 HIM present)
Name-o-rama time
6th man fell to Zuckerburg, he started off giving full info on how he created Facebook in his garage, but Suarez, called him out and asked for real info, but it was a fun rant while it lasted.  He then stated how he was blessed to have a great and loving mom and a great/supportive dad that encouraged him in everything that he did, great point and it was a challenge for us as dad’s to be more like that for our 2.0s, well done
MoC(Moment of Clarity) was on me this morning it was more a challenge then anything  but it was that we need to take all the we have learned/ all we know, and Go to all the people and loved ones around us and show them what we have learned so basically
Take what we know
then Go
And Show
the people around us what F3 has taught us, stated another way take what we have learned and apply it, I know that is something I really need to work on doing, for sure.

Prayer Requests
Ace asked for prayer for Snowman and a quick recovery  as he recovers from a stress fracture
Schneider asked for prayer as he has a meeting to figure out if retirement 2.0 will be moved to retirement 3.0 and the possibility of taking on a new project.
Dunshire asked for pray for his father-in-law and a broken boned in his spine, so strength for his father-in-law and wisdom for the doctors and a good report.

At that point we took a knee said a pray for all the request and the HIM that were not able to make it out this morning and then off to coffee talk

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Dunshire once again supplied the post BD coffee, thank you sir, and at that point he and most of the other HIM had to leave with only Suarez, Ace and Script kiddie hanging out, discussions of spring break ensued, with Suarez then needed to had out for the day
Ace and SK went for a quick ruck, with a good pace to end the BD, vacations, roller coasters and Pigeon Forge was discussed.
At that point it was time to lock up the AO, get some gas, for the car, not for anything else, and head out for the day, looking forward to Thursday and the upcoming Lightweight queue.

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