An F3 Unlike Any Other

AO: The Norseman

When: 04/08/2021

QIC: Dr. Rico

PAX (10): Haha, Birdie, Stu, Pumba, Striper, Hot Sauce, Bottom Bunk, Callahan, TMI


This is special time in Georgia.  It’s the time when a tradition unlike any other returns to our great state, and we had to kick off The Masters with an F3 Beatdown.

Shout out to Stu who was gracious enough to let me hijack the Q from him even though he had signed up before me

Additional shout out to Haha and Pumba for wearing the requested green to properly honor the occasion, and to TMI for wearing his golf glove.  Great looks for all those men.


As we were all arriving we each picked up what we usually call a girlfriend out of Haha’s trunk.  Today we will be calling them our golf bag

Quick lap around the parking lot as we dodged TMI’s parking car.  Then the usual warmup:

  • SSH
  • Weedpickers
  • Imperial Walker

And YHC added in some good mornings because we needed to warm up our backs…spoiler alert…we were going to be swinging some golf clubs


The Thang:

We took our golf bags and moseyed on over to the turf field by our meeting spot.  YHC had a drive, chip, and putt competition planned.  At our first station YHC was set up with our “driver” and some whiffle balls.

Each of us had our turn at gripping it and ripping it.  After each turn we would all do the following 3 exercises with our golf bags and the reps would be based on how many yards the drive went:

  • Squats
  • Bicep curls
  • American Hammers (non-Striper count)

After those sets we pretended like we thought we hit a hole and one and wanted to sprint to the flag to make sure the ball went in the hole.  So we sprinted down and back on the field.

Unfortunately, the competition didn’t get off to a strong start…Hot Sauce went first and proceeded to whiff about five shots.  Not his best effort, but in his defense the ball wasn’t moving.  However, he did redeem himself later in the competition with a solid drive.  He hit it so hard he broke the ball.

Outside of that PAX displayed some serious skills.  We had a few drives over 20 yards, and only one or two shanks.  Because of our advanced skills we had to do way more exercises that I anticipated which means we didn’t get to the chip or putt portions of the competition.  Oh well, and idea for another time.

During the competition, Callahan led us in some to-be-expected jokes from Caddyshack, Haha led us in some to-be-expected inappropriate humor, and somehow Hotsauce found a way to sneak in a morning wood joke.  Good times.  Who was the owner of the longest drive you might be asking?…YHC


Prayers for Bottom Bunk’s son and their upcoming travels

Additionally we our TNT was led by Pumba today, and boy it was one to remember…As a matter of fact, all I remember is “Guardrails” and “Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank for coming out and joining for a workout!  I appreciate everyone allowing for a goofy workout and enjoyed kicking off The Masters with everyone!

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