¡Tío Popper’s Casa de Carne!

AO: Meathouse

When: 02/16/2021

QIC: Popper

PAX (7): ReadyMix, BallBoy, Boomer, Meatball, Puff Daddy, Flo, Popper


Another February Tuesday morning in The Alpha. We find our seven bold Meathouse PAX, ruck on back and coupon over shoulder, greeting an uneven patchwork of flurries whisking down from the North Georgia Mountains, over a slick Peachtree Corners Town Center parking lot, in untidy winds that swirled a frozen, wet tapestry of aesthetic misery.

YHC brought a picker-upper to lift every PAX’s spirit and carry the imagination to warmer climes: an upbeat Latin / Spanish playlist reminiscent of the sounds of Miami, Cancun, Havana and Río.

¡Bienvenidos a Tío Popper’s Casa de Carne!


Ruck w/coupon carry to the path of pain. Cue la música. Drop the coupon and ruck for a warmup of side straddle hop, weed picker, windmill, and arm circles.

The Thang:

The Thang of the day is a circuit of the following design:

Station 1 is our Timer: The Timer rucks w/coupon carry the full loop around the theater and back (~1/4 mile). ¡Aguas! Watch for ice.

Meanwhile, PAX at other stations continuously alternate between 5 reps of column A and 10 reps of column B, and then rotate stations when Timer returns. All while trying not to mamba / salsa / whatever you do to reggaeton.


A: 5 Reps

B: 10 Reps




3 (Parallel bars)

Ruck dips

Goblet squats

4 (Sit-up station)

Incline BBS w/ruck on chest

Laying flat on back, coupon lateral pull-over


Kettlebell swings


6 (Pull-up bars)

Ruck pull-ups



Coupon AmHam (alpha count)

Skull crusher

Each PAX had hit each station once with about cinco minutos to spare. Group ruck w/coupon carry around the theater loop back to the parking lot starting point, just as el reloj struck seis y cuarto. Flo loves it when a plan comes together.


New stretch goal opportunity: Half marathon the morning of 2/28 to close out the February Climb Kili challenge. More deets to come.

Hooch PAX repping big at Gladiator this week: Animal hoy, y Meatball en jueves. Vamanos out to Gladiator on Thursday to support our brother Albóndiga (Meatball).

Prayers for peace with our fellow-men.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This was YHC’s first time Q-ing at Meathouse. With the night-before jitters, you would have thought this was a VQ, but such is the nature of trying out new things in full view of others. Thankful for these PAX who are always encouraging and always gracious to YHC and to each other as we try out new opportunities for peer leadership. Iron sharpens iron.

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