First Impressions
AO: The Wreck
When: 01/25/2021
QIC: Scratch-off
PAX (12): Aflac, Squeegee, Windex, Bam, Grease Monkey, Cutie, Foley, Sell Out, Toby, Bear, Yankee, Scratch-off
The old saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” YHC has been coming to the Wreck for a couple months, but took his first Wreck Q very seriously, spending hours and hours and hours prepping for his debut.
Not really. Totally spaced and was gently reminded that I had the Q at 5:30am. What followed was 45 minutes of panicked scrambling to lead these esteemed gentlemen that showed up in the misty gloom to support my lead.
Mosey to the Parking lot mostly so YHC could spend 3 minutes coming up with a plan, circle up, then:
- Imperial Walkers
- Windmills
- Merkins
The Thang:
The PAX then moseyed to the field, and split up into groups. Much mumble chatter during this portion of the BD, most of it deserved. If you have 12 PAX, the group can count off by 3s, leaving 4 PAX in group 1, 4 PAX in group 2, and 4 PAX in group 3. Or simply, 3 groups of 4. Given that the burden of communication rests on the communicator…Blame the gaiter for muffling the Q’s speech. *Any defensiveness should be viewed as lashing out because of his unpreparedness.*
We’ll call the first circuit a heavily modified Bermuda Triangle. The aforementioned PAX groups spread out to 3 stations on the field: 1 at each of the pylons in the endzone and one at midfield. At each station, the PAX were expected to complete 50 reps of the station’s exercise before a quick mosey to the next.
Round 1
- Merkins
- Carolina Drydocks
- Diamonds
Round 2
- Monkey Humpers
- Squats
- Lunges (single-count)
Regroup at the goal line, then 2 rounds of 500 yard shuttles (25/50/75/100) with a pyramid of pain at each line. The rinse & repeat was a doozy, and again, was planned meticulously the night before.
- 25 yard line: 5 burpees
- 50 yard line: 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks
- Far 25 yard line: 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 Bonnie Blairs
- Far Goal line: 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 Bonnie Blairs, 20 LBCs
The PAX then ended with a circle of burpees & pushups, then moseyed back to the flag for Mary.
- Check the Q sheet when you’ve signed up. Put them on the calendar.
- Shoutout to all who ran on Saturday
- Sign up for Climb Kili challenge
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I really appreciate you guys allowing me to crash these last few months; it feels like I have a true M/W/F home at F3. Thanks for hanging in there with an unorganized BD this morning. I promise that my Second Impression will be much more thought out…for better or worse.