CBluffs Launches in the Howling Wind and Cold
AO: The Coliseum
When: 02/07/2020
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (9): Favre, Pup, FNG MC, FNG Clippers, FNG Boro, FNG Double Fault, FNG GingerAle, FNG LTL, Ha-ha
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday 60 degrees Thursday morning and rain. Friday morning 38 degrees and 18 mph wind. Brrr.
But that did not stop 6 eager FNGs from posting to a brand new AO in Flowery Branch! CBluffs is born and 9 PAX were there to see it happen.
Leaving the house at 0430 to make the 45 minute trip to Flowery Branch had me up and moving early. at the AO 15 minutes early the PAX were already arriving. And they kept rolling in right up to 0530.
Since there are two RNGs launching this AO and 6 FNGs I explained that I would be doing a little bit of Q School along with the workout.
Full disclaimer and explain what F3 stands for, Fitness Fellowship and Faith, and we are off on a mosey around the parking lot and back to the flag.
Explained cadence counting and we did:
- Weed Picker
- Imperial Walker
- Hillbilly
The Thang:
Mosied the long way around to the amphitheater. At the bottom we set up for
Dora 1-2-3
- 100 Merkins
- 200 Squats
- 300 LBCs
Partner runs up the amphitheater steps to the top, across the top row to the other set of steps and back down to the bottom where you switch with your partner and continue your count.
As we finished we planked for the 6.
Instead of a 10 count I explained that F3 has 5 core principles. These are the only things to have to abide by to be an F3 workout:
- Workouts are free
- Workouts are open to all men
- Workouts are held outdoors heat or cold, rain or shine
- Workouts are let in a rotating fashion by the men who attend with no training or certification required
- Workouts end in a circle of trust
We then moved over to the coupon depository and every man picked out a nice sized rock.
All IC (in cadence)
- Overhead press
- Bent Over Rows
- Curls
- Skull Crushers
Return the rocks and on to:
Derkins at the bottom of the hill, Alpha count lunges at the top. Starting with 1 Derkin, 10 lunges and continuing on with 2-9, 3-8, 4-7…
We made it to about 8-3 before time was running out.
Back to the flag for:
All IC:
- Box Cutter
- Dolly
- Rosilita
- Freddy Mercery
- Flutter Kick
- Dieing Cockroach
Time is up!
A lot of naming to do this morning! Welcome MC, GingerAle, Clippers, Boro and Double Fault!
Prayers for a young one in the hospital.
Favre gave us some wisdom from 1 Timothy.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This AO is going to be bringing it! Lots of young studs in Flowery Branch! Already they were asking when the next workout was and asking about Monday morning. Just Fridays right now but I bet they expand that schedule quickly. If you get a chance, post the the Gwinettians! (is that a word?)