AO: The Galaxy
When: 02/06/2020
QIC: Tweaker
PAX (6): Tweaker Wide-Right Sparky Cha-Ching Percy Fondue Guy
In the pouring rain and intermittant thunderstorms 6 PAX showed up wanting a beat down i will just call Eleven.
- 11 SSH
- 11 Hillbillys
- 11 Weedpickers
- 11 Abe Vigodas
The Thang:
One thing most Tweaker beat downs have is tunes. This one was no exception. The plan was to do elevens to each song. However with the weather we did eleven of each excercise over and over until the next song played. Had the PAX collect two coupons and we began.
- Oi Oi Oi – Cockney Rejects 11 Dips / 11 Derkins
- Sublime – Santeria 11 Curls / 11 Squats
- Paul Revere – Beastie Boys 11 Swimmers / 11 Lunges
- No Rain – Blind Melon 11 Shoulder Press / 11 Donkey Kicks
- Welcome to the jungle – GNR 11 WWII Situps / 11 Mountain Climbers
- We will rock you – Queen 11 Incline clap merkins / 11 Step-ups
- Sweet little sister – Skid Row 11 Laterals / 11 Squat Spins
- Jump – Van Halen 11 Chest press / 11 Jump Squats
- Beat on the brat – The Ramones 11 Butterflys / 11 Smurf Jacks
- Turning Japanease – The Vapors 11 No Surrenders / 11 Sumo Squat Kicks
- Whiplash – Metallica 11 Burpees / 11 Bonnie Blairs