Cold, windy and wet

AO: The Shadow

When: 01/07/2020


PAX (11): Chain Gang, Doppelganger, Salt Lick, Scout, Seles, Curveball, Cardiac, Radar, Snake Oil, Madoff


Everyone but Cardiac may have skipped my warm and wet workout, but they did show up for the cold, windy and wet one.  Green Bean called in sick yesterday, so I was happy to take over this morning.


Side straddle hop 15x ic

Merkin 15x ic

Windmill 15x ic

Mountain climber 15x ic

Imperial Walker 15x ic

Rinse and repeat

The Thang:

Cherokee Run to Vanderlyn Drive and Hensley Drive

10 Burpees oyo

Mosey up Hensley Drive to the base of the hill

Lunge walk most of the way up the hill

Broad jump just over the crest

Bear crawl/crab walk towards the intersection of Hensley and Trumbull

The pax wasn’t as enthusiastic about bear crawling and crab walking as YHC, so we took a break with 10 Burpees oyo

More bear crawl/crab walk

Mosey down Trumbull Drive with 2 stops for 10 Burpees oyo in front of what may or may not have been CIA’s safe house and Cardiac’s house.

Mosey to Vanderlyn’s fake field for Mary

Turkish get ups 15x oyo

Obliques 2 x 15x ic

ABC 15x ic

Heels to Heaven 15x ic

Mosey to waist-height wall

Box jumps 10 oyo

Inclined Merkins 10 oyo

Box jumps 10 oyo

Derkins 10 oyo

Box jumps 10 oyo

Cherokee Run to light pole

10 Burpees oyo

30 Squats on first curb, 30 Merkins on opposite curb, 20s, 10s

10 Burpees oyo


Manhole is Thursday

Salt Lick took us out

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