New Year’s Day 20-20 Challenge

AO: The Widowmaker

When: 01/01/2020

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (24): Animal, Pooh Bear, FNG Julius, Sculley, Whiz, Feathers, Scar, El Matador, Cougar, Turbine, Readymix, Flo, Zohan, Inseam, Wham!, Stroller, Homer, Ball Boy, FNG Casper, Saint 2.0, Birdie, White Claw, Nacho Libre, Ha-ha


2020. A new year. I knew the men of Alpha would be up for a challenge so it was time for something special to kick off a new decade (if you start counting on the years ending in “0”). I called for a convergence and 24 HIM answered the call to get out after New Year’s Eve and start off the first gloom of 2020 right!


With 2 FNGs we had a complete disclaimer and moseied down the road toward the name sake hill and circled at the top.

  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Wind Mills

Then we descended to the bottom, but we stopped at the man hole to pay toll, 10 merkins each.

The Thang:

20-20 Challenge

At the bottom I introduced the challenge for the day, the 20-20 Challenge.

20 runs up Widowmaker stopping at the manhole to pay toll, 10 merkins, both on the way up and on the way down.

20 exercises of 20 reps at the bottom, one after each trip up the hill and back. The goal is to make it through a round trip to the top, 20 reps at the bottom then round trip to the top again and 20 reps of the next exercise. If we complete all 20 trips and pay toll going and coming that would be 440 merkins plus the 10 on the initial descent and 10 on the final climb out for 460. Yeah, that was the plan.

Accompanying us this morning was a playlist with the top 12 songs of the 201x decade. Mmmm. Who do they ask?

20-20 Challenge

20 each
1 S Specific Squat w/ bag
2 M Measurable Merkins
3 A Attainable American Hammer w/ bag
4 R Relevant Reverse Crunch w/ bag
5 T Time-based Twinkle Toes w/ bag
6 Skull Crusher
7 Curl
8 Overhead Press
9 Bent Over Row
10 Kettlebell Swing
11 S Specific Squat w/ bag
12 M Measurable Merkins
13 A Attainable American Hammer w/ bag
14 R Relevant Reverse Crunch w/ bag
15 T Time-based Twinkle Toes w/ bag
16 Skull Crusher
17 Curl
18 Overhead Press
19 Bent Over Row
20 Kettlebell Swing

After YHC made 11 trips up and back and 10 rounds of exercises time was up!  We returned the Girlfriends to the truck and made our way back to the flag.


Welcome FNGs Julius and Casper! Glad to have you two in the brotherhood.

We talked briefly about goal setting rather than resolutions. To set a goal use the acronym:


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time based

Or as we worked out today:

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • American Hammers
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Twinkle Toes


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Not a better place to be on the morning of 1/1 but with the men of Alpha! Some great mumble chatter this morning as we pushed through the pain. None finished but all got better!

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