Columbus Sailed
AO: The Wreck
When: 10/14/2019
QIC: Bear
PAX (18): Yankee, Sprocket, Switch, Wide Right, Tweaker, Turbine, DD, Squeegee, Swamp Donkey, Raider, Bieber, Rusty, Grease Monkey, Zima, Circus, Aflac, TBone, Bear
Beautiful weather and the tail end of fall break made for perfect beatdown morning!
Mosey to parking lot above / next to Tennis courts.
Plank warm up with a variety of exercises from regular plank (peter parker, right arm up, left arm up, mtn climbers)
Flip over and plank with arms behind back and core facing sky (alternating toe touch, plank jacks)
Mosey to football field.
The Thang:
From goal line, run to 50; do 50 reps; run back to goal line
Run to 40 and do 40 reps…30…20…10
Complete this with Merkins, then LBCs, then jump squats (Pax doing mary for 6)
Mosey to base of hill.
10 Burpees at bottom
Sideways bear crawl up the hill
10 stone mountains at top
run back down hill.
Repeat 3-4 times until QIC calls it.
Mosey to wall next to hill. 25 dips / 25 incline merkins; alternate until QIC calls it.
Mosey back to bottom of hill. Sprint up. Jog down. Sprint up and mosey back to flag.
- Keep smackdown and his fam in thoughts / prayers for baby coming any day now
- Welcome to the world Charles Henry Wallace! Divots new son born Sat 10/12! He’s in the NICU so hoping and praying for quick release so they can get home!
- Sprocket’s wife (I refuse to call her your “woman”) took a job in Greenville and will be commuting for now back and forth. Lot’s to get used to being empty nesters and this new arrangement.
- Squeak had a killer race in Chicago this past weekend!! Greatness is all around us in this group of men!!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Love this crew and thankful to be apart! Good work yesterday morning!!
Great coffeeteria afterwards!