Killer Bs – AlphaRuck edition
AO: AlphaRuck
When: 09/03/2019
QIC: Mufasa
PAX (2): Dosido, Mufasa
With Growruck15 past, AlphaRuck continues with night Rucks which are fun and gives participants a different view of the world. Other benefits of night rucks are we are not limited to 45 minutes (we do start on time though) and adult recovery beverages which are highly recommended, to name a few.
Our regular PAX were not able to attend this week as a result of other commitments and travelling.
YHC was traveling so missed the regional IronPAX workouts so thought it might work to do that as part of AlphaRuck. Dosido concurred and with cones and a tape measure headed off into the night to find a suitable area to hammer out the WOD.
From the Rubicon parking area headed off to find an empty baseball field flooded with light.
The Thang:
Set up the area – 4 cones spaced 10 yards apart.
5 rounds of:
Starting at the first cone, broad jump to the second cone. There do 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs (each leg counts) and 10 Big Boi situps. Repeat 2 more times and bear crawl 30 yards back to the start.
First part done – we headed off through downtown Alpharetta on the way back to the parking lot for a couple of miles of rucking.
- TAPs for travelling PAX and those taking part in the BRR this weekend.
- Widowmaker ruck on Saturday.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Not sure what the fuss about this weeks Iron PAX WOD is – a good workout for sure but not that hard and easily completed by these seasoned ruckers.
- Topics of conversation varied – GrowRuck, Spartan racing, GoRuck 50 mile star course potential.
- Downtown Alpharetta closing down as we rucked passed although some pubs still had music coming out of them.
- The recovery beverage and company thoroughly enjoyed in the parking lot.
Nice Mufasa. “Downtown Alpharetta closing down…” Did you ruck before this workout?