“The Wall”
AO: The Rubicon
When: 08/13/2019
QIC: Bronco
PAX (9): Gmonkey, Aflac, Feathers, Pitstop, Pinky, Bieber, Tophat, Dunphy
The warmest, muggiest day of the year happened to be the day I pinch-hit for a fellow Pax nursing an injury at the Wreckicon. Expecting more light to find my way around I guessed my way showing 9 Pax around the Wreckicon.
We get a little warm-up mosey and some side action then jump into the following:
- SSH x20
- Hillbilly x20
- Mtn Climbers x20
The Thang:
The Field of Dreams is our first stop where we have 3 stops:
- Home Plate – 5 burpees
- Right field post – 5 T-bombs
- Left field post – 5 No-surrenders
We rinse and repeat with 10 reps each then again with 15 reps each.
We take a pause and do an old-fashioned base race where the winner gets a prize. Race rules: Bear crawl to first, Crabwalk to 2nd, Bear to 3rd and Crabwalk home. Gmonkey was the winner and got to pick the exercise to replace burpees – he chose DIAMONDS. We do one more round of 20 Diamonds, 20 T-bombs and 20 No-surrenders to finish out.
Our next stop is to “the wall.” YHC apparently only knew of one wall where the Rubiconians take advantage of multiple walls – we scamper around looking for my wall and finally find it near the playground where we partner up:
- Partner 1 does Donkey Kicks while Partner 2 runs to the bridge for 15 werkins.
- YHC audibles halfway through because of a slippery wall and we do dips at the playground mixed with werkins.
Time was running short so we head back for a short Mary session and finish up completely drenched.
Thinking about Pitstop w/ the renovation and future sell of his house.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always love coming to the Rube – looking forward to getting more folks out there next time I Q it up. Keep on keepin on boys!