Ahhh! Relief
AO: The Shadow
When: 07/25/2019
QIC: Seles
PAX (9): Moses, Scout, Enigma, Radar, CIA, Madoff, Reggie, Suds, Seles
What a relief (although brief) with the temperature at 64 degrees and lower humidity – In July! The PAX were refreshed and ready for another Seles beatdown in the cool, dry air.
15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Running with Scissors, 15 Baryshnikovs (ea. leg), 15 Side Straddle Hops, 10 12-count Around the World lunges, 10 Mary Katherines, 10 Sumo Squats and 10 Stone Mountains. All i.c. (Moses did a much different and more rigorous Mary Katherine than the rest of us!)
Mosey to Seles stop.
The Thang:
Mary tabata: Box-cutters, 20 sec. exercising, 10 sec. rest 8X
Assemble at base of small hill near the Seles stop and partner up: Partner 1 does Prisoner Squats while Partner 2 runs to base of opposite hill, bear crawl up the hill, run along top level of parking lot to top of opposite hill then crab walk to relieve your imprisoned partner for them to do the circuit. Complete 3X.
Mosey to top of steps near gym for Mary tabata: Advanced Boat Canoe, same drill
Run steps 8 times with arms raised on the uphill run then circle up at the flagpole for:
Another Mary tabata: Dying Cockroach
Mosey back to start for Build a Burpee: 5 squats at curb 1, run to light pole for 5 squat thrusts, run to curb 2 for 5 merkins, run to curb 3 for 5 burpees. Run back to curb 1 and repeat. 3X total
No announcements so Moses took us out in good fashion.