Off the CHARTS ruck BD
AO: The Grindstone
When: 07/24/2019
QIC: Inseam
PAX (2): Ralphie and Inseam
YHC loves a good ruck beatdown! First time Qing a morning ruck beatdown, timing was a fun thing to figure out.
Got out of car, put on ruck.
The Thang:
With most of the usual Pax taken out by a late night ruck prior, YHC was pleased to see Ralphie rolling in just in the nick of time. We rucked up and set off, following the red path in the map below, and ending at the center of the lower baseball fields.
There we dove right in to some PT. Name the game was “off the CHARTS workout”. We performed the following exercises (all with our ruck) starting with 2 reps of each, followed by a ruck (green path below) around the field. We continued in proper ladder fashion, increasing reps by 2 each round.
- C – curls
- H – highpulls
- A – american hammers (Alpha Count)
- R – rows (bent over)
- T – thrusters
- S – swings
We were able to climb the ladder to 10, before ending this lovely workout. YHC was a little turned around initially, so our strava maps look a bit different!
Prayers for family member’s health. Praise for this awesome weather!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
These morning rucks are pretty awesome! The combination of First-F and Second-F that these ruck beatdowns provide is so unique, and such an awesome way to strengthen the friendships we have with our F3Alpha brothers. YHC hasn’t had a chance to workout with Ralphie much in the past, but this dude can get it! Enjoyed all the mumble chatter this morning, brother!