The meat in a Ruck Sandwich
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 07/13/2019
QIC: Flo
PAX (11): Miller Time, DeVito, Boomer, Mayhem, Saint20, Pinky, Tophat, Groupie, Cable Guy, Scully
YHC grabbed the Q a few weeks ago after a long hiatus from Qing a Widowmaker #beatdown. In preparation for the GrowRuck some PAX are starting to up their Ruck games. YHC planned the #beatdown as a compliment to some pre and post #beatdown ruck action.
The GoRuck.com events are all about Teamwork so with that in mind, it was a teamwork makes the dream work day.
Short mosey away from the flag with a circle up for some SSHs, Moroccan Nightclubs, and Abe Vigodas. Then we moseyed to the soccer field.
The Thang:
- We broke the perimeter of the soccer field in to 6 sections. Recovery mosey one, run hard one. Recovery mosey one, hard mosey two. Recovery mosey one, hard mosey three and so one until recovery mosey one, hard mosey six (or one full lap).
Team work makes the Dream work…
- Partnered up and each team grabbed a team weight and a ruck sack
- Mosey over to the WidowMaker
- Each time was assigned a station with the team weights. Examples: Bent over rows with a sandbag, kettlebell swings, ball slams, etc.
- Partner A went down the hill about halfway with the rucksack, while partner B did the exercise. Partner A returns and we switched. 2 for each pax at each station we rotated.
- Note: we changed up the way we carried the rucksack with each rotation
- Each team got a crack at each station. ie Farmers Carries, Walking Curls, Zanparini’s, etc.
Indian Run up widow maker…
- MT seemed upset that we hadn’t gone all the way to the bottom of the WidowMaker so YHC obliged
- The group moseyed to the bottom, about faced, and group Indian Ran back out.
Collected the Rucksacks and team weights and moseyed back to the flag
No time for Mary, so YHC called it a day.
Prayers up for PassionCity’s upcoming FightNight, prayers for wisdom in leading our families, and praise for new jobs. There may have been some other requests, but I can’t remember them. I’m smoked and the SkyQ is on it.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Really good work today. Conditions were pretty tough, it was hot and humid, the hill was steep, the weights were heavy, but we pushed through.
Honored to lead!