76ers and the Brothers Robinson
AO: The H0.0ch
When: 07/05/2019
QIC: Popper
PAX (5): Ready-Mix, El Matador, Stroller, Pooh Bear
The shovel flag waved proudly in the gloom the morning after our beloved nation’s 243rd birthday. On the eve of a two-week vacation, YHC took the Q in his backyard at Bushw0.0d. With so much last-minute planning & packing to think about, had to keep the program simple. Five mighty PAX took the #DRP and assembled for some betterment.
Warm-O-Rama comprised several favorites.
- 25 SSH
- 15 Weed pickers
- 15 Imperial walkers
- 15 Hillbillies
- 10 forward arm circles
- 10 backward arm circles
The Thang:
Thang 1: 76ers
Independence Day reminded YHC of the Murph. The PAX carried cinder block coupons to the playground for an abbreviated, Murph-inspired onslaught of back, chest and leg goodness. ’76 reps per exercise to celebrate the birth year of our nation, to a playlist of The Black Crowes for some extra pep in the step. Pound out the reps OYO, staggering sets to avoid burnout on any one movement.
- 76 pull-ups
- 76 burpees
- 76 squat-curl-presses with coupon
Thang 2: Thor’s hammer + 250 yard freestyle
The PAX carried the coupons back to YHC’s chariot and assembled at the pool for some abs and cardio, still blasting Chris & Rich Robinson’s bluesy jams.
- 10 Thor’s hammer (big boy situp + 4-count American hammer)
- Swim 25 yards
- Repeat 9x, decrementing by 1 Thor’s hammer each time
Finish out the final 1 minute treading water in the deep end. Extra credit for not using arms.
The PAX shared, prayed, and broke. Prayers for matriarchs’ health and moving in with PAX & family, and thanks for birthday celebrations. Thanks and prayers for family vacations, and that the Lord would bless the quality time.
But something wasn’t complete. Just as every PAX was about to drive off, YHC remembered and called for a long-distance scattered count off and roll call. Better late than never.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC has been reading Freed to Lead. In it, Dredd and OBT speak of the illusion of the plateau. Namely, that the SadClown finds some fitness inspiration, he diets, he works out in an unsustainable approach often in loneliness; and here’s the illusion: once the SadClown has achieved his target weight, he believes he can somehow take his foot off the gas and coast till the end of time in this improved state. But with no brothers around him holding him accountable to keep accelerating, the SadClown inevitably pogo’s back to his old self, watching his short-lived diet and exercise discipline fade, and slides back into his fat pants until the next time he finds his fitness religion. A pogo amnesia deludes him into repeating this cycle continually.
Thankful that this pogo lifestyle no longer describes YHC. Thankful for brothers in the gloom that inspire YHC to keep accelerating, to shun the plateau illusion and climb the mountain daily. YHC embarks on a 2-week vacation tomorrow during which I’ll post downrange in the gloom, eat/drink responsibly, and come back strong.