You know what goes well with a run? More run!
AO: Hog Wallow
When: 02/23/2019
QIC: Swamp Donkey
PAX (17): Rusty, Aflac, Yankee, Pellets, Stroller, SmackDown (Duece), Miller Time, Sprocket, Bronco, Squegee, Devito, Bieber, Zima, Squeak, Lowes, Pit Stop, Swamp Donkey
Record turn out for Hog Wallow with a pretty ridiculous group of HIMs today. The chatter started on Thursday with guys talking about bonus miles. Given the weather and this group’s love of trails, things were looking soggy at best. We made the call to meet at Leita Thompson to get some trail miles in on the groomed, well-drained trails. Then the cries for more grew louder…
We’re here to run…you can save your SSH, WM, WPs etc. for another day. Just put one foot in front of the other and as Dora would say – Vamanos!
The Thang:
0600 found 10 men ready for “the more”…so more they got! A brisk-paced 6+mi was had by all. Plenty or road miles and hills behind us, it was time to join the rest for the trails…questions were raised as to how many would bail or stay. We will soon find out.
At 0700, 17 total Pax left out for the trails – not one of the early group left – these boys are hungry, let ’em eat!
A clockwise lap to start, that may have started off a little too aggressively given the now combined warmed up/warming up Pax (lesson learned) -didn’t seem to phase the bunch. At the pond, we corralled the group and sent them on a counter-clockwise lap for variety. At 0800 all were accounted for and ready for coffeeteria at CFA.
Stats (of course will vary based on runner/distance/technology) as promised over coffee
Mileage: about 6 or 12 – depending on departure time
Elevation: about 550ft or 1,133ft depending on mileage
Prayers for Grease Monkey’s dad and family
Praise that Devito’s wife is home from Africa safely
Prayers for Pit Stop as he as two interviews this week
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I am gonna just be blunt – I freaking love this group!!!! To imagine 2 years ago, running 12mi on a given Sat simply because people were down to do it, no way. Today – we had 17 like-minded freaks of nature show up and push each other. There were multiple personal distance records set. Many folks ran someplace they didn’t know existed. I do – I love this group. Thanks, boys!
Swamp Donkey – out.