24 Kodiak strong posted in the gloom to enjoy the warm 46 degrees. The light was provided by all the skin from those able to Don shorts and short sleeves.
WARMUP: Mosey around for some SSH, WindMills, Alt Russian March Toe Touches and a little Yoga (down dog, plank, up dog.
THE THANG: 3 groups of exercises. AMRAP for 7 minutes starting with 10 reps per exercise and decreasing by 1 as you progress through the rounds. For those able to get down to 1 rep before the time was up got to start back at 10 and repeat.
A. Partner Row + Gorilla Humpers
B. HeeHaws (aka Zebra High Kicks)+ Ab Tucks
C. Reverse Burpees + Superman 360 Rolls
FINISHER: Tabata Mountain Climbers
Lots of grunting was heard throughout the exercises. I was saddened that today’s group was not able to experience LawDog and HomeBoy performing their Partner Row Act. And The Mole must have been feeling sicker than normal as he didn’t make any of his usual racket while performing the humpers. It would have been amusing to have some video clips of the group performing some of these exercises. I believe we left the staff of the High School wondering what in the world these grown men were doing out in front of the school.
COT: A.- continued prayer for GAMECOCK and his family as they mourn the loss of his wife. B.- for Wham-O as he embarks on this new ministry to prisoners and especially for his M as she battles depression. C.- for SHS and the folks there to bond and continue developing and growing.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8 ESV