The retractable roof…

QIC: Swiper

PAX (): The Body, Gizmo, Hero, Dash, Flash, Skynrd, Hardball, Squiggy (FNG), Crack, Law Dog, Chief

Excellent morning at Big Creek with 12 PAX posting for the morning festivities!  Largest turnout we have had in a while with (4) of our regulars not in attendance in Darth, Clyde, Reuben, and Big Dipper. So many of the North ATL AO’s experienced huge growth during the May challenge, but Forsyth county is known for being a little slow, so happy to be gaining some ground this summer.

This morning’s forecast was a bit on the wet side.  Mercedes Benz stadium, the new home of the Falcons and United, was intentionally designed with the latest in stadium technology in order to expose or close off the elements when needed.  Big Creek has considered ourselves fortunate to be in a similar situation as we have a prime facility right in the middle of our AO known as “The Superdome” to be leveraged when weather is less than optimal.  Huge covered area, smooth marble-like floors, plentiful benches, etc.  YHC must have missed the memo that it is now considered an F3 sign of weakness to seek relief from the elements, but fortunately, we were blessed by the presence of a visitor to remind us of this new supreme ruling during this day’s beatdown.  (I think he might have been from F3 Seattle, because he was wearing somewhat of a “west coast” tank top and kept complaining about wanting to be in the rain).  Regardless, here’s how she went…

Mosey down the hill and around to the side parking lot for warm-up’s:


Abe Vigoda


Plank jacks

The Thang:

Mosey to the SuperDome for some “Deck of Death”:

Spades:  Numbered cards = Burpees, Face cards = deconstructed burpees

Clubs:  Numbered cards = Mercans, Face cards = hand release mercans

Hearts:  Numbered cards = LBC’s, Face Cards = Reverse LBC’s

Diamonds:  Numbered cards = squats, Face cards = copperhead squats

Thanks to Crack and Law Dog for the correction on the deconstructed burpee- (YHC needs to dust off his Exicon prior to throwing out exercises, but would have preferred to find out about this particular error after this exercise was over!)

Made it through the entire deck in time to appease our dry-clothed visitor, so we headed out into the elements to the Sundial for some modified Dora’s:

Partner A runs the short side lap around the bottom part of the track and the playground while partner B works on:

50 Dercans on the park bench

75 Dips

100 step up’s (50 right leg first, 50 left leg first)

Good work by all of the PAX on this one.  Indian run around the track and back to the flag for some quick Mary with Rosie’s and Flutters:


  • Prayers throughout F3 Nation for our brother, Creech, from F3 Lexington in SC who was hit by a car and killed last Wednesday during an F3 distance run workout.  Leadership of F3 North ATL has taken extra steps regarding safety in many areas that I will share on Tuesday, but please keep this family and all of our brothers from SC in your prayers.
  • Welcome to FNG Squiggy!
  • Great to see new members continue to post in Flash, Dash, Hardball, and Skynrd!  Thanks to Dash for his strong EH efforts in inviting new people to join us!
  • Great to have Gizmo back with us after a brief hiatus!
  • Blessings to Darth Visor on the arrival of his new grandchild!  Great story as this child was delivered on the side of the road in Charlotte by his son-in-law, Sharknado from F3 Charlotte!


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