Dropping the Hammer at Big Creek!

YHC (The Hammer) simplified his beatdown from his VQ, but it still was challenging! No Man Left Behind! – during Bojangling, any stragglers were retrieved by the Q. Pull-ups are always a challenge! Every muscle group targeted again, though. Warm-up – 10 mins. Mosey to Track Carioca P90x Punches P90x …

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The roosters came out to crow at the rising #Rubicon sun, but all they saw was moon, a full moon in fact. It seems these chickens are not so smart, because a chicken born with the God-given instinct of self-preservation stays in the coop until sunrise. The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is …

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Crew of two

Small turn out (2) did not stop us from working hard this morning in Norcross. Here’s the breakdown of the beatdown: Mosey down to field…then In cadence: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Cotton Pickers 11s: 1 Burpee then run to other side of field and 10 Monkey Humpers 11s: Merkins – Squats …

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