Slippery Meat Bunnies
AO: Meathouse
When: 05/17/2022
QIC: Feathers
PAX (8): Angus, Boomer, Feathers, McCracken, Meatball, Popper, Saint2O, Sugar (Hooch - Gwinnett)
First Meathouse Q for YHC in about a year, so I cam into this hoping I could challenge the PAX without a) embarassing myself, or b) asking them to do something stupid and borderline dangerous. I failed on at least one count.
Standard issue SSHs, weed pickers, windmills, Moroccan night clubs. Pick up pack and cinder and head to the artificial hill.
The Thang:
Main Thang:
21s of curls and goblet squats. I first asked the PAX to Cusak up and over the hill between sets, but they made clear that was a poor idea as the hill was too slick to safely summit with a cinder over our heads, so we audibled to a flat sidewalk.
11s of Shoulder Presses and Rows, with murder bunnies up and over the slick hill between sets. Safer that Cusaks, but exceptionally stupid and difficult. Audibled after 5 sets.
11s of Skull Crushers and Urkins, with another sidewalk brick walk between sets.
Final Thang.
A variation on the Captain Thor (1 Big Boy to 4 American Hammers), but with 1 Blockee per 4 coupon LBCs. Made it to 6 blockees before time mercifully expired.
Prayers for 8th grade trip, and thanks for a beautiful morning and the ability to enjoy it.