Preseason Practice
AO: Firehouse
When: 08/24/2021
QIC: 9
PAX (9): Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Ace Ventura, Lifelock, Zuckerberg, Flanders, Napalm, Dunshire & Trojan
- Showed up a little early to setup but Lifelock and Zuckerberg had a hard time figuring out the 10 yard lines on a soccer field. Lightweight and the others not trying to help setup started a long mossie. Flanders showed up late in non Flanders style but made it to use before we started the Warm-O-Rama with Lifelock and Zukerberg right behind him.
Imperial Walkers
Weed pickers
Good mornings
Sun Gods and Reverse Sun Gods
The Thang:
- After we warmed up we ran to the football field for our Preseason practice.
Starting in end zone we sprinted to the 10 yard line where we found our workout with that number of reps, sprinted to 20 with workout and reps and kept that up every 10 yards until we made ti to the other side of the field.
- 10 – Burpees
- Sprint
- 20 – Merkins
- Sprint
- 30 – Plank Jacks
- Sprint
- 40 – LBC
- Sprint
- 50 – Sidesaddle Hopes
- Sprint
- 40 – Freddie Mercury (Alpha Count)
- Sprint
- 30 – Shoulder Taps (Alpha Count)
- Sprint
- 20 – Merkins
- Sprint
- 10 Burpees
Lunges to the 50 yard line and Bernie Sanders the rest and start over. Everyone worked at their own pace and at the end those ahead met up with the 6th man and finished the workout with them.
We finished with a long run and ended at the flag.
We had time for Mary which Ace with WW2 situps, Lifelock with American Hammers, Script Kiddie with Ranger Merkins, and Napalm ended us with some embarrassing dirty dogs. lol
Lifelock gave use a great MOC talking about no matter the problems you have right now, make sure you focus on what you can get done in the future once you overcome the problem you have. We ended with a ball of men and prayed for those dealing with the dificulties going on in Afghanistan.
A few of the guys stayed for coffee.