AO: The Wreck
When: 08/02/2021
QIC: Raider
PAX (12): Juul, Switch, Squeegee, Yankee, Bear, ChooChoo, Catheter, Donor, Ariel, AFLAC, Tubbs, Raider
As the start of new school year is quickly approaching, YIC decided on a Back-to-School theme with appropriate tunes and Billy Madison routine.
Moseyed to the parking lot next Roswell North school.
12 SSH
12 Windmills
12 Plank Jacks
12 Mountain Climbers
20 Little Arm Circles Forward and Back
The Thang:
Thang #1 – Curb Step-Ups
PAX lined up along the curb in the parking lot. Played “Hot for Teacher” (Van Halen) while PAX did step-ups on the curb. Took breaks while David Lee Roth talks during song.
Thang #2 – Billy Madison
Lined up 12 cones on every other parking space in the school parking lot. Each cone represented a “grade”. PAX started at first cone, did the listed exercise, then ran around the parking lot island around to the second cone. PAX then performed the next exercise + all previous exercises from cone 1. PAX continued in pyramid fashion until all 12 cones (grades) were completed. PAX rewarded with Snack Packs for graduating.
Due to a lot of mumblechatter and lack of time, the 5th grade Burpees cone had to be taken out after a few rounds.
- Jump Squats
- Monkey Humpers
- Merkins
- WW1 Situps
- Burpees
- Romanian Deadlifts
- LBCs
- Crab Cakes
- American Hammers
- Stone Mountains
- Groiners
Prayers for a new school year.