Cherokee Visits the Firehouse
AO: Firehouse
When: 07/29/2021
QIC: Bloodhound
PAX (16): Bloodhound Ace Ventura Lightweight Lifelock Pebble Zuckerberg Tadpole Suarez Napalm Script Kiddie Crumpet Dixie Chick Fudd Baskins Blue Steel Rest Stop
Bloodhound has quite the reputation for challenging beatdowns, so we went into the beatdown this morning knowing it would be tough but rewarding (SPOILER ALERT, It did not disappoint).
5 PAX showed up for pre-run.
Bloodhound skipped the normal warmup for getting straight to the point. A mosey took us to the lower parking lot, where he had cones set up every light post length distance.
The Thang:
PAX paired up. Each team would run together to a cone and do a set of burpees then run/jog to the first cone. Then they would run to the 2nd cone, burpees, and return to starting spot (and so on). At first station, one burpee. At second station, 2, etc. Total of 16 stations.
PAX did an excellent job of pushing each other with words of encouragement.
One pair finished before time expired.
Prayers were offered for Sculley losing his father, and Benny struggling with his cousin on life support. Also prayers were given for Script Kiddie’s wife who is taking a realtor exam.
MOC was given by Baskins, who encouraged us to remember motivation is good, but it’s temporary. True and lasting change comes only from discipline.
Ace Ventura recommended the boys of Cherokee to come guest Q anytime, as it is good for a new perspective to keep us from getting in ruts. Iron sharpens iron.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Several PAX stuck around for coffee, mostly chatting about the need to work on having a better pre-run presence at Firehouse to accelerate fitness goals.