
A new Run Group at The Creek

The AlphaMen are always looking to improve.  Mostly that involves a boot camp workout. Some times though you need to improve your endurance.  The run is the thing so a new run group was discussed and quickly organized at Big Creek. 4 HIMs answered the bell this morning and met …

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The Ramblin’ Wreck

YHC was honored to Q 28 fearless PAX in the Roswell Rec Park gloom this AM. Apologies for the ramblin’ random excercises, as YHC is used to Saturday Q’s (1 hr.), but also was trying to fit in too much to introduce some new exercises to The Wreck. I also …

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Elevation Change

Tomorrow is a special day. Tomorrow is Monday June 19, 2017 and YHC has the Q at The Kodiak.  When it comes to inspiration some times it strikes middle of the Q and sometimes it strikes on a rare Saturday appearance at a beatdown. YHC has always wondered what all the fuss was about at the …

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Father’s Day!

This one was for you Dad! YHC’s old man left this world just a few short months ago and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about him and miss him dearly.  He didn’t have an F3 name, but carried some of the same values that …

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Twin Peaks Run

In case you haven’t notice it has been a bit humid for the AlphaMen lately.  Looks like summer is settling in.  Time to work some sweat off.  Nearly 70 with low hanging fog in the Hoppy Like AO this morning.  5 PAX showed up to put in the work of …

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Grab some Hill

Beautiful, muggy morning for a beatdown. Mosey to the flagpole for warmups: 20x IC Side Straddle Hop, 10x IC Copperhead Squat, 10x IC Mountain Climber, 10x IC Imperial Walker, 10x IC Cotton Picker, 10x IC Merkin. Mosey to the rock pile to grab heavy coupon and then mosey to the …

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