PAX (6): HotSauce, Stroller, Sweep3r, Tank, Turbine, uga
It seems to be true that once one becomes famous you change. Or at the very least you have to consider your raving fans and keep your appearances on the DL! OR maybe the QIC did not remember he was the QIC?
This is Academy Stretch and WU OYO!
The Thang:
Let's mosey No coupons needed.
Air chair at Hwy 9 intersection for 30 seconds
Mosey to brewery stairs up then down. Impossible to ignore the noxious fumes from the pump truck vacuuming out the grease trap vault that reeked of a septic system.
Thunder burpees on turf for Thunderstruck
Mosey to far end adjacent hwy 9 for 11's, peter parker & BBSU
Mosey to parking deck various exercises at the top/bottom of ramp starting w/ 5 count to top deck circle up for mercan circle count off up to 100
Down stairs mosey to 120 corner for Carolina Dry Docks 25
Mosey past old Taco Bell (now Salt) to concrete wall for 1 minute Captain's chair
Mosey to parking deck across from the Accademy and up the stairs we go.
At the top circle up for wide arm mercans count off up to 50
Mosey down garage various exercises on bottom of ramp Freddy Mercury 50
Back to flag for circle of Mary
Prayers for Goose Spider and other prayers on the heart
Naked-Man Moleskin:
So thankful to he surrounded by men who support encourage and show up
I promise I forgot some of my instantQ but I'm just honored to be part of the group and happy to lead today!