Rick Rolling

AO: The Hooch

When: 2025-01-27

QIC: Tenderfoot

PAX (12): Animal, BallBoy, Boomer, Humperdinck, McCracken, Meatball, Popper, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Spackle, Sunshine, Tenderfoot


On a cold and rainy morning 12 PAX did assemble to rise concrete firmly into the sky and party on to tasty jams.


We commenced the warm up with the following:
  1. Moroccan Night Clubs
  2. Michael Phelps
  3. Hill Billies
  4. SSHs

The Thang:

We partnered up and did two arounds of Dora's. Everyone didnt make it all the way to the end, but we gave it our best and had a blast along the way while I dropped and broke my coupon at some point.   One partner did a coupon exercise while the other did a body weight exercise until hitting the number of reps. Before switching exercises, the partners bear crawled along theater entrance. 50 Skull Crushers /Burpees 100 Thrusters /Big Boys 150 Curls /Monkey Humpers 50 Dips /Merkins 100 Rows /Plank 150 Goblet Squats /LBCs We wrapped up with everyone being Rick Rolled, which was a change of pace from the Slow Rolled ending as Humperdink shared.


We talked about the moving and beautiful speech Fuzzy Dice gave on Friday at his daughter's services. And interested to share the 5 points among the group if those are shared. This Wednesday is Sunshine's 10 year Maniversary at the Hooch.

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