A Trip Down Memory Lane in False Start’s Dingy

AO: Windjammer

When: 2025-01-08

QIC: Milli Vanilli

PAX (12): Caroline, Deep dish, Dipstick, IKEA, mike c (Brutus ), Milli Vanilli, Nair, NRA, Sparkie, Stu, Townie, Walkie Talkie


Two years and three days ago...we celebrated False Start (in absentia yet again) and the snip snip of his yam bag.  So I pulled out my weinkie in front of everyone, gave the usual disclaimers, and we're off to The Flag. Let's mosey.


SSH / Weedpickers / Copperhead Squat / Imperial Walkers  

The Thang:

Thang 1.0...with our January goal at the Windjammer of 3,100 merkins for the month a Merkin Mile seemed appropriate (plus it was on our weinkie from January 5, 2022 that I dusted off). Clipper Bay stretch it is....120 Merkins in total here on the out and back Thang 2.0...DORA!  Clipper Bay down the hill to Webb Bridge 100 Merkins (because more merkins) 200 LBC... 300....I guess we'll never know because we ran out of time. Back to The Flag and after a quick couple rounds of Mary (including Merkins..16 to be exact)..time is up it's 6:15.  


Great work men...Blood Drive is just about here. After name-o-rama, we went around the circle again and each PAX shared a goal, fitness or otherwise, for 2025. YHC is focusing on consistency & balance this year given a rather significant drop off the past six months. 150 beat downs and 400 miles running (logged 267 miles last year so plenty of room for improvement). Many thanks to Caroline for coffeeteria...most stuck around to chat for a few minutes.  I pulled the rip cord when I stopped feeling my toes and fairly certain my kneecaps because to ice over.   Always an honor to lead...thank you, gents!

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