Hindenburg BLIMPS

AO: Boneyard

When: 2025-01-03

QIC: Floater

PAX (8): Busboy, FannyPack, Half-Dozen, Liquor, Manscape, Mounty, Stifler (Boneyard Site Q)


  • SSH
  • Weed pickers
  • imperial walkers
  • hug it out

The Thang:

Hindenburg BLIMPS
  1. Modified version of BLIMPS. Done on a the Lacrosse field. Perform exercise at corner #1, sprint to corner #2, perform the same exercise. Sprint to corner #3 perform exercise. Then to corner #4, exercise and then back to corner #1. Plank it up until all have finished that round. That's one round.
    • Round 1 - 10 Burpees at each corner
    • Round 2 - 20 Lunges at each corner
    • Round 3 - 30 Imperial Walkers at each corner
    • Round 4- 40 Merkins at each corner
    • Round 5 - 50 Plank Jacks at each corner
    • Round 6 - 60 Squats at each corner


Prayers for Busboy's sister, her husband, and the twins they are expecting any day now. Baby A is healthy, but Baby B has an underdeveloped heart valve and will require surgery within 3 days of being board. May the surgery go well, and Baby B's heart be fully functioning and able to support healthy blood flow. Prayers for Bryce's friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer, and will be starting chemo on 1/6. He's a senior in high school with a whole life ahead of him. May his treatment be quick and precise, and he return to the life he enjoys.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It's great seeing so many familiar faces out on the boneyard on a regular basis. I remember when this AO had 3-4 daily, and how that has grown o 8, 10, and 12 on a regular basis.

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