YHC opened 2024 with the first Q at Gladiator and Black Diamond offered the opportunity to grab the Q and close out 2024 where it started. While putting together the winkie for the BD, YHC borrowed The Thang from various BDs YHC Q'd throughout 2024. We began with just three pax (foiling YHC's plans for Doras and partnered BDs), but we picked up a DR along the way to even things out.
After a brief welcome, intro to Black Diamond, and disclaimer, we moseyed over to the baseball parking lot to begin. YHC was nearly beheaded by a tree enroute, but survived and continued on. We began with a set of SSHs and moved to an an EPIC (Every Plank in Cadence) warm-up: Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Taps, and J.Los. This got everyone ready, so we began with the first Thang.
The Thang:
First thangs first: Norsemen's Double Dora. Pax partnered up and performed an F3 Trinity Dora (100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs). The moseying pax ran across the parking lot and performed an exercise: 1st 10 Groiners, 2nd 20 (alpha) Fire Hydrants, 3rd 30 1-legged Donkey Kicks (Single Count), 4th 40 J. Los (Single Count). Shortly after the first flapjack of Groiners, Centipede pulled into the parking lot - looking for the actual Gladiator BD, but nicley rounding out the Black Diamond crew - and joined straight into the Dora. After finishing the trinity, and completing a round and a half of the other exercises, we wrapped up this callback and moseyed on.
The next Q in revue was from the Hooch. Without a traffic circle to recall the donut, YHC steered the pax toward the concession stand as a cheap imitation. 1 bear crawled lap of the concession stand broke up our mosey toward the pavilion lot for our second thang: Bernie Burpee Relays. Pax partnered up and the 1st pax began bernie-ing around the lot. The partner performed 3 Kraken Burpees (3 HR Merkins at the bottom) and then moseyed to catch the bernie-ing partner. Flapjack and repeat for 5 rotations. While semi-challenging, the pax had no trouble with this routine so we moseyed on in search of a greater challenge.
With sufficient time elapsed, it was now safe to recall the Gladiator Q which opened 2024. We moseyed to the coupon pile and big hill to revue this BD. (YHC almost called this routine first, but thought better of it after considering that Gladiator pax would be driving down the road to show up for their easy BD 15 minutes later and not be prepared for the HIM of Black Diamond to be in the road with coupons) Scheduling considerations aside, we quickly performed 3 sets of exercises (25 reps each) before moseying on toward the finish:
OH Press -> Mosey up the hill -> Flutterkicks
Curls -> Bernie up the hill -> E2Ks (alpha)
Skullcrushers -> Mosey up the hill -> Merkins
Our final Thang was one quick tough set recalling parts of various Rubicon BDs: 60s BTTW, 50 SC Bonnie Blairs, 40 SC Peter Parkers, 30 Mike Tysons, 20 Heels to Heaven, and 10 Burpees. All pax finshed with 2 minutes to spare - enough time to mosey back and join the final mary with the Gladiators.
Gratitude for the Pax of F3 holding each other accountable.
Prayers for Chanel's friend struggling with mental/health issues.
Annoucements: Blood Drive and MABA January.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for letting me lead and showing up early for a tougher BD.