Its Just a Shot Away
It's always fun to make a song that generally guys like to song they hate. Add "Gimmie Shelter"to the list... Coupon required for first half…
It's always fun to make a song that generally guys like to song they hate. Add "Gimmie Shelter"to the list... Coupon required for first half…
Leg day. Nuff said.
T'was the last day of the longest month of the year, so YHC decided to grab the Q and try his luck with the PAX.…
Route encompassed all of the Alpha loop starting from Northwinds side, ending at Thompson. Nacho was late but caught up
Because you better be F’n swole
YHC started the chatter on slack about some sort of EPIC beatdown that would be coming on Tuesday AM. No real plan was in his…
Thanks to Garmin after my run I learned it's the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Snake is upon us. Normally that would…