Yacht Rock – Steely Dans and Baker Street

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-08-19

QIC: Feathers

PAX (19): Angus, Animal, Boomer, Chesapeake, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Spackle, Sunshine, Turk, Utah, Y2K, Zazu, OG Utah, Julius


YHC was feeling nostalgic for those groovy, glittery, sultry '70s, and realized I had not yet (at least to my increasingly suspect recollection) created a Yacht Rock themed BD.  A playlist of period-correct, overproduced grooves was quickly assembled, and an on-theme BD developed.


A few random burpees for failed F3 trivia responses.  Mosey with high knees, butt kickers, karaokes.  Moroccan night clubs, weed pickers, toy soldiers, copperheads.

The Thang:

Thang 1: Steely Dans (because Hey, we're doing 19 reps) 8 cones arranged in a square of approximately as such: 3 cones each along the top and bottom edges approximately 15 ft apart.  2 additional cones evenly spaced along the right edge (4 cones total), and the left edge left 'open' with just the two cones at the corners.  Coupons piled at each of the 3 bottom cones. 3 top cones on top edge each list 3 body-weight exercises, 3 bottom cones each list 3 coupon exercises. PAX split up and pick one of the 6 stations as starting point.  Perform 1st exercise at your station, then move clockwise to next station, R&R.  When reaching the right top corner, bearcrawl slalom style down to the right bottom corner.  Perform 1st exercise then move to next station.  When reaching bottom left corner, run approximately 200 yard loop and return to top left corner. R&R until all three exercises are performed at each cone. Top Row: Perform 18 reps of body weight exercise, and 1 Burpee
  • Round 1: Big Boys, Hand Release Mike Tysons, Bonnie Blairs (Single)
  • Round 2: Bobby Hurley, Reverse LBC, Inchworm
  • Round 3: Lunge (Single), T Bombs, Box Cutters
Bottom Row: Perform 18 reps of coupon exercise, and 1 Manmaker (Blockee)
  • Round 1: V Chops, Skull Crushers, Kettle Bell Swings
  • Round 2: Curl & Press, Dips, L Press
  • Round 3: Bent Rows, Goblin Squats, Curls
Thang 2: Baker Street Mucho Chesto PAX line up along sidewalk, approx 100 yards long. Landmarks designate 5 stations along the sidewalk. Perform Mucho Chesto 'Right Down the Line' by Running to first station and doing 12 reps of Mercans, then running the rest of the length of sidewalk then back to the start and proceeding to second station and doing 12 wide mercans.  Continue until full Mucho is completed. Performed to the iconic saxophone of 'Baker Street' by Gerry Rafferty.  


Darth Visor/Ready Mix convergence Saturday.  Prayers for Poppers MIL.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

"The Cuervo Gold, the fine Columbian, make tonight a wonderful thing"

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