Perfect 28

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-08-12

QIC: Speedo

PAX (14): Bo Knows, Cox, Daisy, Dinghy, Floater, Mater, Mounty, Shrimp, Sox, Speedo, Stifler, Stroller, Zohan, Busboy


My oldest son was born exactly 30 1/2 years after I was so I like to celebrate him each year by grabbing a Q or two around this date. This year my son turned 28 and as everyone knows, 28 is a perfect number. If you don't know what that means then I'm not sure what to tell you other than to ask Stroller but don't ask Bo Knows. With one of the FNGs in the house, a thorough disclaimer was given and we were off.


Mosey behind the amphitheater and up toward the concession stand pavilion with some side shuffle, butt kickers and high knees along the way. Circle up for:
  • Copperhead squats x10 IC
  • Hillbillies x10 IC
  • Weekpickers x10 IC
  • SSH x28 IC
  • WGS while YHC explained the theme
  • 28 is the sum of its divisors so 1+2+4+7+14 = 28.

The Thang:

Mosey to the FOMO donut where YHC attempted to explain the format as follows:
  • 1 mercan then run a designated route and back to the starting point
  • 2 mercans then bear crawl half the donut
  • 4 mercans then run the same route and back to the original starting point
  • 7 mercans then bear crawl
  • 14 mercans then run
  • 28 mercans when back at the original starting point then air chair for the six
Round 2 used the same format but we did squats and crab walks Roud 3 was abbreviated due to time constraints so we did 14, 7, 4, 2, 1 Mike Tysons at the bottom of the donut and ran the donut after each round. Mosey to the concession stand pavilion where we partnered up.
  • P1 did 28 HR mercans while P2 planks then flapjack
  • P1 did 28 BBSUs while P2 did a wall sit then flapjack
  • P1 did 14 jump squats while P2 holds BTTW then flapjack
Back to the flag for:
  • 28 flutter kicks alpha IC
  • 28 American hammers alpha IC
  • 28 Freddies alpha IC
This left just enough time for a good old fashioned circle burp. High knees chopping while each guy in turn called down and the entire circle did a burpees. The excitement was palpable.


Sox was at the park doing some solo work and joined us for COT. He was the six and we got to hear a little more about how F3 has helped and shaped him. Welcome FNG Busboy! Prayers for Shrimp's son heading off to preschool for the first time today. Prayers for wisdom for Mater in his career search Praise for Cox's parent's celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary Prayers for the nation of Israel and for peace to prevail

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for taking my lead this morning. It's an honor to be out there busting it with you guys. 28 years ago the world totally changed for me and my wife as we welcomed our first child into the world. It has been a challenging journey but our son is a child of God and we love him very much. The best part is that his Heavenly Father loves him immensely more than we do and that gives us great comfort as we look toward eternity. If that's not your story or would like to know more about our story please reach out to me directly at 678-777-5402. --Speedo out

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